April 8, 2010

So Near yet So Far

So near yet so far, that's how Man Utd season so far.

The exit from Champion's League was a great dismissal, and I felt that this lose truly wrapped this season's mission.

But, I don't want to complain. The best team won and sadly it wasn't Man Utd.

Although, I'm proud to see them last night. The things how the team shaking off this season was something inspiring and I see lot's of team work more than last season.

Wayne Rooney, Nani, Park Ji-Sung, and the whole team mesmerized me. The signing of Michael Owen was a bit surprising but to be fair, he's been something that Man Utd missing lately.

Last night's game was pretty much of what I'd love to say; "That's football".

Good luck Man Utd. At least, win this season's Premiership.

May God bless you.

p/s: Tough away games coming....

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