June 16, 2010

My Story

Let me share a story about me being the only daughter, and the last child of my family, I treated like a most valuable gem a person can ever had.

My father loved me. He is a great man. He taught me the basis of this sorcery. Even how strict he was, he always has a soft spot for me. I realized, that he scolded me for a reason. It is because he loves me so much. Back in my homeland, he is the town's leader and everyone respected him. His wizardry was also magnificent. I once saw his performance and it is truly mesmerizing. Someday, I want to be like him. No, I want to be better than him.

My mother was not a sorcerer. She is a mere mortal but did have some practices under father's guidance on sorcery. Even so, it did not cross my mind how my mother even gets to married with my father. Unfortunately, she did not live with us after she gave a birth of me. She moved out and lived with the other mortals, in a place where today I have to live in. Until now, I have no known her whereabouts but I did keep an address, which would lead me to her. However, the note stated that I might only meet her, 'when the time comes'.

Before there was me, there is Joshua. My only brother and the first person I care most other than my father. I do not know how to explain the feelings I share with him. He would be more than just a brother to me, perhaps. I do not know. If my father was not around, he took over father's role to teach me. Father first taught him the basis and eventually let him learn the secret of this sorcery. It was father's own wish to let Joshua to take over him in every single aspect. Father entrusted him with all of his heart and always backed Joshua to perfecting his skills.

In addition, Joshua finally relinquished father's dream and he was very proud. However, Joshua was not happy, because he realized, he will not be able to spend some time with me. I was seven back then, but I then realized what did he meant.

Joshua became the 45th village leader and his rank surpasses every each of the town's previous leaders. Just at the tender age of 23, he mastered all the spells in the book and completed his pilgrimage thus, he became highly ranked wizard.

Somehow, I was criticized by the town folks soon after. Despite having a brother that is truly skilful and have all the ingredients to be a leader, I am nowhere near to his level. Even I was eleven; I have yet to master a spell. To be honest, I sucked. The only thing I capable to perform is manipulating the element of fire, because that is what my father only taught me.

Joshua became upset and disappointed to let me be criticised by the folks and warned the people not to say a word to me. Moreover, on that moment, his credibility to lead the group started to crumble down. He refused to marry any of town's maiden because his thoughts they are unequal to him. He ought to teach the youngsters and wanted to build a witchcraft school within the town by the elders somewhat denied his wish, for an excuse of being selfish and obsolete. The idea that stated thought obsolete by the elders' sparked rage towards Joshua and soon, he lost it.

If I could remember it correctly, it was my thirteenth birthday when Joshua began to enslave those who turn their backs to him. He has fed up for being nice and tolerate to the people. The elders feared his action and they tried to dispel him, but no avail. Joshua proven to be hundreds of times stronger and the elders were defeated and left to meet their demise.

Joshua began to have the hunger for power, as he set his sight to start building his own empire. The town was then for me to control, but it's me who feel his wrath first hand. I tried to convince him to stop ruling with iron fist, but did not listen to me. He began to take over towns after towns, city and then the rest of the kingdom. He ruled the country, and gains all the powers he needs, the wealth he wants and all the wisdom he can obtain.

It was sad. My thirteenth year of living was the moment where Joshua completely ignored me. After all the feelings I share with him, it all gone.

Our father, who survived Joshua's initial assault on our town, made an unholy pack with the demon clan, who would only be the one who can stop Joshua. The demon agreed to help us, but the stipulation was, not what my father had in mind. My father totally disgusted to learn about the stipulation but he had no choice. When I asked him about the stipulation, it was;

"It'll be he's bloodline to stop him..." To make it specify, father explained that he had to kill him. I was furious, disbelieved and confused. I locked myself for days; hoping father will not have to kill Joshua.

In the end, my father confronted Joshua for the first and perhaps, for the last time.

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