October 24, 2010

The Answer to life is...

"Think that you're alone? You'll never be alone; Not even if you'd try. There's always people or 'something' out there, who will company you until your very end. Either friends, family, enemy or even what you choose to believe upon, there shouldn't be the term, solitary. Your persona. You are what you are. You will see what you wish to see, but how it'll end is up to you. The Choices is yours."Anon.

Mysterious guy: *hands over a gun-looking tool* Go on. Call it. Cal your persona. Scream out what you've kept inside for a very long time.

Me: *takes the tool and points at his own head*

Mysterious guy: Call it.

Me: *takes a deep breath* Per... So... Na! *pulls the trigger*

above dialogues are just canon. xP)

I have to admit... This game totally rocks! Persona 3FES, as far am I concern, were up there along with Final Fantasy series. Heck! I even heard that Persona 3FES was a 'must get game' in PS2 console. Just check out the score cards here!

I got it, I've played it and I've finished it. I started playing the game somewhere in September, and I've just finished it, today at 5.55 am. I guess, it took me a month (:D) to finish it, but it was a relief for me to have finished it. Now I can have a good night sleep and more time to rest, and study. (lol)

So here I am, reviewing the game I've played for every single night since I started to play it and I have to say, it's a very exciting and wonderful experience. No, I'd like to call it, a great adventure. For only RM 5.00 (US$ 1.60, LOL) the game brings almost everything a gamer desire.

As an introduction, Persona 3FES is a single-player console role-playing game (with additional simulation gameplay), similar to what FFX has to offer with a turn-based style of fighting sequence. (If you had played FF before, this won't be a problem.) The controls are easy to understand and almost use all the buttons on the controller (it looks better with analog control stick). The game storage can save up to 20 slots, so you may try to complete almost everything in the game. To make thing interesting, if one is not enough, you'd like to try to play the game once more using your "Save Game" file. There, you will experience harder in-game battle as well new stuff to discover and learn. Oh, have I mention that the game have TWO different plots within?

Let's see... There was "The Journey", and "The Answer". Both set in different settings but still intact with the main storyline. In "The Journey", it's the intro and the climax for the whole game, while "The Answer" plays as the closing. So, if you first play Persona 3FES, start off with "The Journey" and finish it, and then continue with "The Answer" so you'll see the true message of the game, as well the main idea of the story.

Moving on to the game's graphics. Honestly, FF is more realistic but if you're into the anime-kind of design, Persona 3FES is satisfactory! Rendered in 3D gameplay with 2D (anime-ish) cut scenes, this game is sure fun to watch (and play). You'd fight in a 3D environment and most of the cut scenes were in 3D, but some interesting cut scene will be displayed in 2D. So it's very much a good art combo, similar to Megaman X8 (another interesting game I've played!)

Next, covering the whole game with catchy and interesting BGM! Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, what is BGMs to great games. Like what Nobuo Uematsu has achieved in FF series, this is the first time I heard of the composer Shoji Meguro and he didn't disappointed me, and other gamers as well. Along with singer Yumi Kawamura and MC a.k.a rapper Lotus Juice, the musics are just entertaining and fun to listen at too.

In addition, the in-game dialogues were well translated and understandable. (The original game was made to Japanese language) The English dubbers seemed to put lots of effort to make sure the gamers to feel like into the game. It's very worthwhile and hey.... You could improve your English here too. (LOL) The cut-scenes were presented with and without dialogues, yet it'd be more interested if everything were in dialogue eh? But, as far I am concern, the makers truly did a splendid job on the translation.

Despite the game uses mythological characters, some gamers found it a nice idea. If you are familiar an anime titled "Fate/Stay Night", you'd enjoy the idea of the gameplay. Just imagine, you beating up those pesky monsters using Gods from Greek myths, Japanese legends, Hindus, European deity, Chinese folklore, and more. Though, the game did not mentioned much of religious themed such as Christianity or Hindus, but there were deities from them being put. I just hope the info of those deities were correctly and relevantly applied.Even it's a game, it must not cause some stir upon the details of the so called "Gods".

I mentioned about 'simulation' gameplay early on and I'd say it's a great thing since Persona 3FES have NO mini-games! (They have it actually but not entirely related to the game itself). Unlike FFX where you can go Blitzball-ing all the way until the end, Persona 3FES offer simulation where you can have an interesting relationship with several characters in the game, which will help with your completion of the game. The best part is... You can DATE with other characters! Ya-hoo! But please be warned... It's not as easy as you think. This simulation and dating system will help with your progress of the game and it's something that gamers have to keep an eye to.

The settings of the game is quite logic and make senses. You're playing as a Japanese high-school student and live like one to. You eat, sleep, play games, making friends and as a 'Persona-user', you kick monster's butts. You're a like a superhero technically. Student by day, Persona-user by night. The idea of creating the game more Japanese is fulfilled as you'd likely get the idea on how to live in Japan, and learn how Japan's culture looks like. Kimonos, Yukatas... Oh, Sushi anyone?

The in-game battle is as excellent as the design. The execution of the move was done perfectly although some quotes seemed redundant, but that's not the case. What impress me most was the ability of customization, upgrades and leveling. It's simple, easy to master and lots of options. You are able to customize both your Persona and your hand-held weapon (swords, guns, etc.) to help you win the battles. Items like potions and elixirs were also being used, so it's not that different than FF right? Not quite... Plus they even put details about your weaponry! There are tons of weapons to explore and use, each have it's own strength and weaknesses, plus their own explanation too! Like, there's a katana with different backgrounds, and etc. Oh, the move set is also as much as the same like FF but, the game have more interesting buffs and debuffs move set. In battle quotes are also interesting and would bring you closer to the battle. Plus, the gameplay is simply using logic. Fire beats Ice, Ice beats Electricity, Electricity beats Wind and Wind beats fire, or so it varies. Oh... This game is not like Poke'mon where you guys "gotta catch'em all!, although the idea is very much the same. Moreover, the logic aspect of strength and weakness of the character very much display and carefully explained along the way.

I guess that covers the game. Overall, I am very impressed by the game and lots of credits for Atlus, the developer of the game and 'Shin Megami Tensei' series. I spent a month of sleepless nights in order to finish this game and it's a breath taking journey. You may wonder how I can cope with playing this game all night and excel in studies. It's because I'm just, awesome. (haha!)

So, here's the final verdict of the game.

- Plot: 8/10
- Gameplay: 8/10
- Design: 9/10
- Sound: 8/10
- Graphic: 8/10

- Overall: 8.2/10
Editor's note:

There's only one slight worry about the game. The violence rate of Persona 3FES is not as much gore but the presentation probably too much for kids to understand, or influenced them too much to a point where they'd do stupid things based on the game.


#1: In order to summon your 'Persona', you use a gun-looking tool and technically 'shoot your own head'.

#2: Some bad language usage.

#3: Fanaticism over the idea of the game.

Even if those weren't a big problem, yet it's something to be worry if you have siblings or children or contacts who end up being obsessive about the idea of the game, and they'd scream "PER-SO-NA" or "The Death is coming! The Death is coming!". Hopefully, there won't be any case relating to Persona as much as Evangelion... (no hurt feelings ok? Click here)

So, that's all folks. Persona 3FES bring the best RPG experience you'd ever have and if you have finished it, don't forget to play the game's sequel, Persona 4. My advice to you future gamers, don't stay up too late and do concentrate in your studies and life as well. (:D)

Before I finish, I leave you some of memorable quotes from the game as well my "all the best wishes" to you, my readers and beloved friends. Until then...

"The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yes, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Attaining ones' dream requires and stern will and unfailing determination" Nyx Avatar. Yes, you have seal your fate.

"Even we have another great task at hand,but be remember that student's no.1 priority is study." Mitsuru Kirijo, Persona-user. Take that!

"We hate ordinary.So we need THEM to make us extraordinary." Takaya, Persona-user. Thus we all should be different, in any other way?

"Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. No one can escape time. It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes." Pharos, Persona character. He got points.

"You are unscrupulous. As punishment, I will not converse with you for the rest of the night. Commencing ignore mode." Aigis, Persona-user. Imagine if your girlfriend say this to you.

and last but not least...

"Per-So-Na!" Main Character, you. Take the 'evoker' and scream PERSONA!

"Until then...." Igor, Velvet Room residence. Farewell~

~Quotes are from the game, Persona 3FES.~


Click here!

- Persona 3FES official website.
- Hardcore Gaming 101's article on the series

Please watch the trailer!

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