November 16, 2011



How I feel pretty weak recently... Today, I caught a pretty bad cold and might lose voice too. Oh the horror.....

Dragon Nest here I come!

November 10, 2011

Bitch Please.

Salam and good day peeps.

Sometimes I wish we not using money anymore. No more Benjamins, no more leaves, no more green, cash, etc.

It is sad. Because of money, we all split into groups that hate each others. Because of money, blood must be spilled and flesh have to be sold. Pride and honor can easily bought them who has the money. The rich gets richer and the poor gets slaughtered every day every second and every time.

If they wish to leave me, because I don't have money, fine. I don't have the money to buy the shoes, the suits, the cars and the shirts you all like to show off.

I am not amused, to the way richness forsaken those who feed them. Their own blood, their own family, brothers and sisters. Not to say the money you all have should be use for them, maybe a little but it would be best if you could contribute for their wellness.

If the money could bring happiness these days, why does some people suffering from it.

Just a thought. Any replies are welcome. Peace ya'all.

November 2, 2011


Steve Kean "Under Pressure"
Peace upon you, my beloved friends.

It has come to my realization that the pressure is overwhelming. Now I have to finish four tasks within less than a week.

Somehow or someway, I'm in need of some kind of motivation to help me going through this wretched period.

Oh how I really despise this kind of pressure...

But, apart of me is savoring this moment. I guess the pressure itself turn into an unexpected motivation. Hopefully it didn't turn out to be a double edge.

Wish me luck and have a good day peeps.

Good luck.

October 24, 2011

Another Monday...

Peace upon you, and a very good morning friends. How're ya? How have you been lately for the past few months? It's been a very while since I post something here, but today I got some time to spare. :)
So far, life's good for me, but a recent reality check pulled me back down to Earth. I just realised that I only left less than two weeks to finish all of my assignments, and also I watched a horror show of Man Utd beaten by arch nemesis Man City, 6-1 to the Blues. But, that's a less fact to be concerned about.
What I would like to stress here is that, I am starting to feel like having a real relationship. Though certain advises given to me that I should be patience about it, but I could not keep it any longer. I do have aplenty of good (female) friends which I be fond of, but somehow the chemistry is lacking, albeit being a Malay, nor Chinese and even overseas. There's still insecurity looming there, and I am afraid I could not proceed any phases from there.
Though at the moment I am feeling, fine with it, but sometimes the senti-feeling kicks in at random. Kind of driving me crazy, and I need solution, a.s.a.p.
But, I'm still happy with my current life, and thank to God that I met such wonderful friends. I hope we can share again some other time.
Salam and have a nice day, friends.

May 1, 2011

No pain = No gain = NO fun

Even Saiyans need to workout to stay in shape
Hey there.
Just wanna let you know that I'm back working out again, thanks to the semester break.
I got free times so why not I spend some of it by working out and exercising? It's beneficial.
Yet again, I still feel like taking part-time jobs. I should looking for one starting tomorrow.
Working out in the gym require lots of money (for the fee) and lots of self-motivations too. And I don't mean 'that' kind of motivation.
When you're surrounded with huge muscular people, you might feel agitated or humbled by their complexion but don't worry, if you set your mind right you can work out along with those people fine. Just do your business and worry about yourself first, so keep on pushing the limit
Have a nice day friends, and look! It's already May of 2011. It's been 5 month already and I still yet to have a girlfriend. LOL
Never mind that. Have fun guys!

April 27, 2011


I'm pooped. Truly pooped.

Morning gym until afternoon's chaos, and now I just got home from a very long wait of new sem's registration.

I fell asleep during the wait.

Oh well, tomorrow and tomorrow will likely be more tiring day.

God please save me.

April 26, 2011


I got erased from someone.

Clueless atm.

It's fun

It's been a while since I enjoy studying alone.

Although it'd be nicer to have someone along. Whether the person is a lecturer, a classmate, or a friend, this could be the time to learn more about them, and learn new things too.

Right now, I'm in the National Library. I have to say, the place hasn't change since I last came here (back in 2007). Still, the parking sucks. :P

Very well, I should continue with the revision. Sayonara.

p/s: Wish me luck for my finals~

April 16, 2011


Never felt like this ever.

Knowing that this semester supposed to be the deciding semester ever, I felt I've just screwed it up last Thursday.

There I was, preparing for the exam, for weeks I've pumped and ready to score the next paper, only to have myself, freeze and chocked up moments after I saw the questions.

The aftermath? Crest fallen. Big time.

Only today I've managed to forget about that feeling and focus for the next paper (tomorrow).

How I need some motivation. Anyways, wish me luck.

April 12, 2011

A Brand new day ahead~!

Assalamualaikum and good day people.

Wow, how long since I last posted here...? Haha... now I feel pretty nostalgic.

I watched a movie titled Gantz, and surprisingly, it turned out good, for me at least.

After the movie, I thought of sending a friend of mine to home. She insisted, it would be fine if she walks home.

I asked her again, "How bout to the station at least?"

After all what happened earlier, I now asked myself.

"What if I said 'I Insist' too?"

Oh well... She's a good friend anyways. Another meeting with her, would probably somewhere on May. I'm looking forward to it.