November 30, 2013

Likes vs Comment; A Facebook theory

Ya know what I really want to have in Facebook? 

Comments instead of Likes.

Likes is like the "Wow" and "Meh, liked it anyways" but not showing the support of the post of the user put on upon.

While Comments will able to channel the feel, despite only on words, but, getting the feedback were much better than likes.

If I say, I post a picture. A picture always have a story to tell, but it'd be ruined with the Likes. Because the uploader would like to have comments, critiques or at least someone who tell him something about the picture. Sharing the interest or being comparative with another interest whatsoever. By then, people can communicate and socialize.

Instead just a thumb up; not saying it's a bad thing entirely but...

Would life gives you Likes as much in this reality? Or would you have a Like counter or something with you?

Don't take it for granted, but I personally like Comments more then just a Like.

As someone who been called as "The Man who Likes everything", I admit it'd disastrous for anyone out there rely on Likes for something to be achieved.

Show your support with Comments, not Like.

Be a Commenter, express your thoughts, share your interest, and support each other. Use the social media for the good and on the right way.

Peace out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

not bad. I actually agree with this. comment play a big role actually by sharing their thoughts rather then likes to obtain attention. :)