September 24, 2010

Greed is Good?

Do you remember the 2008 economic crisis? It truly rock the economic world isn't it? We all were afraid if the oil price sky rocketing up to RM 4.00 per liter here in Malaysia, and worse of all, inflation rate goes higher than expected.
How the American managed to survive this horror? A bailout clause of course but its ain't pretty since some companies have to be closed down, or sold to bigger firms.
(Not to mention a number of people 'died' in this struggle)
So here's Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, showing a bit of insight of how stock brokers trying to survive in the economic depression.
Starring star in making Shia LeBeouf, and the legendary Michael Douglas (Who also starred in Wall Street, 1987) and also other awesome casts in the likes of Josh Brolin and Casey Mulligan, and more.
The plot may seemed predictable but from what I see it, it's interesting. How the story unfolds is rather simple but it'd give a slight impact when you got the idea on how low some people can go in order to do something.
When it comes to business, your consciousness will always be questioned. Decisions have to be made in favor of the firm and also ourselves, but what's the price for it? Etiquette seemed irrelevant and that's the downside of being successful in business world. Think about that for a second. Compare to us, Malaysia seemed not to far from such scrutiny right?
There's another message stored in the movie as well, and it always have to be in form of relationship. Not only conflicts among couples, but family as well, and how far can one go to get what he wants and deserved.
It's an interesting movie, but I don't think it'd get nominated in any big awards held next year. If so, then it's great to hear. (LOL)
All's well end's well. It's a movie worth of watching and I mean it. Doesn't matter whether you're seating in ordinary cinema or Gold Classes theater, you would enjoy the movie with your friends, family and beloved ones. As for me, I give the movie a score of 7/10.
Peace to all. Love ya and take care. I'll leave you with a quote from the movie which you can reflect at on.
"The mother of all evil is speculation" Gordon Gekko.

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