November 30, 2013

Likes vs Comment; A Facebook theory

Ya know what I really want to have in Facebook? 

Comments instead of Likes.

Likes is like the "Wow" and "Meh, liked it anyways" but not showing the support of the post of the user put on upon.

While Comments will able to channel the feel, despite only on words, but, getting the feedback were much better than likes.

If I say, I post a picture. A picture always have a story to tell, but it'd be ruined with the Likes. Because the uploader would like to have comments, critiques or at least someone who tell him something about the picture. Sharing the interest or being comparative with another interest whatsoever. By then, people can communicate and socialize.

Instead just a thumb up; not saying it's a bad thing entirely but...

Would life gives you Likes as much in this reality? Or would you have a Like counter or something with you?

Don't take it for granted, but I personally like Comments more then just a Like.

As someone who been called as "The Man who Likes everything", I admit it'd disastrous for anyone out there rely on Likes for something to be achieved.

Show your support with Comments, not Like.

Be a Commenter, express your thoughts, share your interest, and support each other. Use the social media for the good and on the right way.

Peace out.

September 29, 2013

Sense of Realism

Most of the times, I'd keep things to myself; Would only share if it necessary.

For it is something rather personal and I don't feel like talking the matter to anyone randomly, just because I am so called "opened" and "nice".

My naivete would've caused me my entire career, nor life but it is the presence of common sense where I'd do my best to put my status in tact.

I am sure, most of you like to be around me but rest assure my dear friends.

Reality is harsher than it looks and the true friends would emerge from the mist of deception and misunderstandings.

"Good friends would stay with me and feel the trouble I am having. True friends provides advises and suggestion so I can make judgement and solution to fix the problem." - Anon.

August 28, 2013

It felt good, and bitter sweet.

Hi guys. How're ya? I'm doing good. I happen to feel like writing down something. So, here goes.

Last weekend, Animangaki was held and so far from what I heard, it was a success. Not just to bring Danny Choo and some foreign celebrity into the scene, the people of Animangaki (the crews) really made it happen. Kudos to them.

I had to admit, I was a bit selfish and hid away from most of you guys out there. There's nothing personal mind you, but I can't complain. I understand the possible feedbacks but I'll go along with it. I'm still a call away from you guys, you know?

However, I never dreamed my last outing turned out to be great. Yes, it started sour and I made a friend of mine pissed. Never had a silent treatment before since, so I'll ride along. (We're in good terms today, so I'm happy for it.)

I've never looked this cool!

As Sunday goes by, it felt like good old times. It's crazy for me to say this but... It was good to be 'stranger'. (Author's note: I clearly want to give all the credits to my girl.) I met my friends and some had hard time recognizing me. Be it like on Saturday where I wore a black turtle neck, with a pair of glass and a brownish wig which made me look that something that came out from Korean / Japanese soap opera or worse, a visual novel. (Author note #2: Self-proclaimed BL character) If only I shaved first...

The difference during the event, I went out to a group who I felt bitter sweet, really. I've known them for more than a year but it just I unable to hang out with them often because, at first I don't feel like there's anything fun with them. How I thought wrong. For years, I've been let myself to hang out with cooler or hype peeps and I'd be marketable but somehow, it hit me.

The following might conain spoilers. Proceed with caution

Here's a shout to my beloved friends of Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Group (SMTCG for short), you guys are always in my good books. I have decided to leave the group soon, and I hope this year end celebration, I could go at a good note. I made this decision not because of lost of interest or anything, but it's more to I need to go away for a while. I noticed Jon left the group all because of our fault not to live up to his expectation, but he didn't say anything about it and kept it shut. That's what I saw, but I don't want to blame anyone. I've seen it coming ever since the meeting at Swee's. If you guys happen to read this, I want you to know that you guys belong in a special place right here in my memories. You guys were the closest to reach that atmosphere and harmony of having a 2nd family. I appreciate all the things we've done and I am happy to be your friend.

Thanks so much guys, for the memories.

I've seen friends who see me as an individual. I'm merely not a passersby anymore, I think. On the event, I believe I can do something and I did it, and if people start to notice me now, then you're way back in the queue peeps. I've reunited for a while with good friends of mine thorough the event and I got the feeling back again. Despite the words circulating around us, it doesn't matter when we all are happy and together as well. Zack you bastard. Keep up the good work and hopefully I can get a fully desert gear from you. It's been my dream to get into an uniform. I believe you'd be one of the friends who can help me achieving my life long dream.

Speaking of dream, my (otaku) dream of to be with my girl on a ACG event and had a (couple) photoshoot all together, has been granted. There've been achievements also, and for start, I gone through Ramadhan and Aidilfitri with her, and her family and friends. It's still early but, I don't want it to stop. I want to make a record and I really hope that I can make it until your next birthday anniversary.

Me & Shiki

Last but not least, I wanted to say thank you to my family and my beloved friends who never gives up on me. I went a tons of trouble and problems but I've been blessed by those who stick with me and guided me back to the right way. Mother, Father, Zul, Shikin, how I wish not to let you go. You guys have went a lot of hell before me, but you prove to me that giving up is never an option. By God's will, I'll strive my living and I wish to return those favor back to you, any ways possible. I'm 24 this year, and my God, I am truly grateful to be your son, and your partner. Thank you very much.

I'm Khalidi Khalid and I wish you have a good day ahead and peace upon you.

July 22, 2013

Oh. I've always knew black suits with everything.

Look at them go.

Deep in our heart, we all know we can't trust social media.

In our conscience too, people has been abusing social media for their own benefits. Whether it's vain or fulfilling, we'd never know.

I'd never know, because I intent not to be at par with them.

I have a good life, and I believe it could get better.

July 18, 2013

Hectic Period

Peace upon you.

How are ya doing? Hope everyone's fine. Here's something I feel like sharing with you peeps.

It's been almost 2 months since I last resigned my job. Now I found it difficult to kick start my career again.

I don't quite sure why it'd be this hard to find a job I that I wish to, but from time to time, I am beginning to eating up words which what I said about 'unemployment rate among fresh graduates' few years back.

Moment like this, made you reflecting back and reality checked back on ya. Harsh as it should be, it's a kick to my behind and I have to accept this reality.

Whining won't help me, so I got to move on. I hope for a better chance this time.

That's all. Hope you guys have a good day ahead. Cheers.

June 5, 2013

C2AGE is comin~

LOL! C2age is coming... But a lot of stuff went through... It's a hectic week but glad it'll be over soon.