April 17, 2007
We're going to collage next week!!!!
Mr.Editor: Tell me about it. Khalidi is gone for such a long time!
Khalidi: Hi guys! I'm back!
Mr.Editor: Khalidi! Where the hell have you been?
Mint: Khal!
Khalidi: Mint! *completely ignores Mr.Editor
Khalidi: Anyway, I have a huge announcement to make.
To all viewers out there, me (the real me) will go to collage by next week and stays there in their hostel. So the blog would probably left out until I post the new post here. Don't worry about the Love is complicated story, I still writing it until the end of part one. As I said before, the whole story will publish at the end of May. Thanks to all for your support. Bye~
Mint: Is that mean.... we are off line?
Mr.Editor: Good! A break!
Khalidi: er.. not really......
The three goes back home and leave the office. Starting 27th of April, the trio will confront a new adventure.
April 8, 2007
A day with Mint & Mr.Editor

A day with Mint Blancmanche (Khalidi's fictional wife)
Mr.Editor: Here, *gives Mint the notebook*
Mint: Eh? What's this?
Mr.Editor: The story's storyline. Its still undone. Your Khalidi couldn't manage to finished it on time. So, as you said earlier, you taking over his job right, for a while.....
Mint: Yes.
Mr.Editor: You're going to help me finish this story, whatsoever.
Mint: Oh........ Is that mean I.....
Mr.Editor: Yes. You had to spent the whole day with me.
Mint: Oh my.... What if people see us together, in your room?
Mr.Editor: Er...... Don't worry. We're safe.
Mint: You think?
Mr.Editor: .................
Mint: See.... You're also felt guilty right?
Mr.Editor: Mint, just do you work.
Mint: I refuse to!
Mr.Editor: For Khal's sake.
Mint: ..............
Mr.Editor: Please............. (showing innocent face to her)
Mint: Okay, okay..... I'll do it.
Mr.Editor: Thanks.
Mint: Huh......
Mr.Editor: You're sweet. No wonder Khalidi fall in love with you.
Mint: No.... It's not that.
Mr.Editor: Hm?
Mint: He likes me not because I'm sweet.
Mr.Editor: Really? Then what?
Mint: It's secret.
Mr.Editor: Oh.... I see. I think I can guess it why?
Mint: *face turns red* Ah! No! Not that!
Mr.Editor: So tell me the story then.
Mint: Sigh. Okay, I'll tell.
So Mint tell Mr.Editor about her love story with Khalidi.
Mr.Editor: Wow.... I never thought Khalidi is that kind of person.
Mint: See? Khalidi is really like that. So please don't be hard on him okay?
Mr.Editor: Okay, I will.
Mint: Thanks. *Hugs Mr.Editor*
Mr.Editor: *Face turns red* Er, Mint..... You're hugging me.......
Mint: I know. (^^)
Mr.Editor: Mint, the work......
Mint: Yah? Why?
Mr.Editor: Your job here is finish the story, not hugging me.......
Mint: Oh! Gomenasai! *release Mr.Editor and continue her work*
Mr.Editor: Huh..... That was close.
Khalidi: Ah choo!
Faiz: What's up?
Khalidi: I got the feeling that someone were talking about me.
Faiz: ?????
April 7, 2007
We're going to miss you, Ryan.......
(by Khalidi and Mr.Editor)
Till we meet again.
Till we be seen again.
Till time reunite us.
Till you came back again.
We'll miss you.
Things weren't be the same again,
without you.
Things aren't best anymore,
without you.
Our life could be different,
without you.
Your life could be different,
without us,
your friends...........
The sing,
The sound,
The car,
The laughter,
The cries,
The sweat,
The breath,
The air;
these weren't same without you.
The choir,
they will miss you.
The teachers,
they will miss you.
The peoples around your house,
they will miss you.
Your friends,
they will miss you,
Me, Ju Hong, Weng Kit, Vincent, Li Shia, Ben Ong, Yi Peng, Karen, Wai Khing, Adeeb, Faiz, Stanley, Bryan, Edward;
and lots of lots of your friends,
close or not,
they will miss you,
Your families here,
they will miss you.
Lots and lots of peoples,
they will miss you.
Time Square,
Leisure Mall,
they would probably miss you. (or do they?)
But the thing is,
I'll miss you a lot.
You're my best friend I ever got.
You're on my best friends ever list.
Best friend ever.
our final words,
Sayonara Ryan T.W Chong,
Sayonara to your families,
Good luck,
May god bless you and your families.
always remember,
I'm always with you, (on-line lah~ What are you thinking?)
I just wish that I could give you something as a souvenir, but sorry. I guess it was to late for me. But hey, we're still in contact right? Messenger me okay? I appreciate if you I.M me even once. Anyway, again, I just wished I can give you our last wave before you're off to U.S.A, but it's okay, I'll keep it for your return here instead.
What to say,
You'll gone for.... I don't know, maybe forever? I hope not
I don't know what to say anymore.
I just want to wish you;
good luck, live happily there, and,
try to improve your self okay?
Still you need to learn more,
so don't give up life and hopes,
Just continue doing whatever you like,
as long you're happy.
If you're happy, I'm happy too! ('_^*)
Good bye,
Take care,
This post is dedicated to one of my best friend ever,
Ryan T.W Chong,
Good luck.
April 5, 2007
Let's get on with it. Shall we proceed?

From Mr.Editor
Its been a while after I finished the chapter four of Love is complicated story. So its only left two more chapters to go. Sigh, I realize that writing this story is difficult but hey? For me, this is quite challenging and its benefits me. Why? I can stay here in my house, "SAFE" and not wasting of my precious time from doing something that are not worth it. Unlike Khalidi, he's always go out. The reason? He wants to see the world and get new experiences. Fortunately, he manage to get some idea for this blog tough. He is not dumb as I thought he was.......
Khalidi: Hey! I heard that smarty pants!
Oh, sorry about that, he's so like to over react.
Back to the topic, I need some rest before we starting back to our stories. I wrote the storyline for the whole story and Khalidi just adding some informations and other stuffs inside. By the way, in chapter four, it's his idea to wrote some "hot" scene in it. Good job Khalidi, now peoples will gonna kill me for that!
Khalidi: What? I thought it was your idea anyway?
Er.... E hem, (cough) never mind him.
Anyway, I guess this chapter will going to published in next seven days. I will try my best to keep the date right and try to publish it on time. Many hard works, effort I have been putting in this story and I will never gives up or stop in the middle of this work, no matter what happens! I determined to finish this chapter, and thus finishing the last chapter and ta da!
Love is complicated (Part one) is finished!
The date line is before May. Hey Khalidi! The date line is before May!
Khalidi: Roger! Just finish adding some stuffs inside.
Okay! Let's get on with it! Shall we?
Khalidi: Hai! Ike! Ganbarimas Editor-san!
April 3, 2007
Broken Roses
Mr. Editor:*annoying*-Broken Roses- for the tittle. Any ideas? (-_-)
Khalidi:Oh, Broken Roses? Let's see...... ('_-)'''''
Mr. Editor: Take your time.....(oh please let him go away) (~_~)
Khalidi:I got it!. *(^_^)*
Mr.Editor: You got an idea? (wow?) ('_'!)
Khalidi:Yup! ('_^)
Mr.Editor: Oh, ok then. Please proceed..... (Gulp) ('_'!)
Broken Roses,
by Khalidi
is so unpredictable.
is so blind.
is so painful.
is only in our mind.
is so temporarily.
is so destructive.
is so unreal.
is so everywhere.
is so nonreturnable.
is so full of meanings
is so happening
is so annoying.
is so Fucking shit!
is so "I want to kill you with my own bare hands!"
is so sweet.
is so damned.
is so believed
is so unprepared
is so reasonable.
is so kind
is so dangerous.
is so joy.
is so relax
is so the expression.
is so priceless.
is so costly.
is so lucky.
is so universal.
is so wasted.
is so propaganda.
is so playful.
is so misunderstood.
is so understandable.
is so caring.
is so protective.
is so creative.
is so rational.
is so lovely.
is so outside.
is so respected.
is so brave.
is so far ahead.
is so unreachable.
is so lost.
is so obstacle.
is so matured.
is so heart.
Broken Roses,
is so make me very sad.
So please, don't break my heart.
Don't ever break my heart, ever.
A heart broken to pieces is not easy to fixed with.
The shattered piece is not always attachable.
A glue alone can't help it.
I need somebody,
A somebody,
That I can trust,
To help me,
to glue this broken heart,
Khalidi: So how was it?
Mr.Editor: Your whole point?
Khalidi: Roses resembles heart. So broken roses resembles...
Mr.Editor: Broken heart, I know that.
Khalidi: It's all about feelings.
Mr.Editor: Oh, I see.
Khalidi: Actually, the story up there is all about life.
Mr.Editor: ????
Khalidi: What goes around.....
Mr.Editor: Comes around.
*This is just Khalidi's idea of showing how a broken heart person would feels like. Its either the person failed in exams, fail in loves, fail in life, but these person really need somebody to share with they feelings. The only reason people become so depress are because they're alone, and it's family, friends and colleague duties to confront them and give them support, as they were not alone."
Khalidi: Loner is for loser.
Mr.Editor: Yeah.
Khalidi: And thank god we're not loner.
Mr.Editor: Agree. So, how's your "girl" been doing?
Khalidi: I hope she's fine, I miss her a lot you know.
Mr.Editor: Long distance relationship. Just hoping its might work.
Khalidi: Yup, I hope so. *****! I love you!!!!
Mr.Editor: Love sick.......
April 2, 2007
Finished!!!! Chapter four is finally finished.....
MR. Editor: Hahaha! I have finished chapter four! Finally after such delaying, I manage to complete it! Ha ha ha! Screw you Khalidi! Hahaha.......... (zzz....zzz....zzz....zzz)
Khalidi : Pity him, he's so tired. Mind I take your picture? (ka-chak) wow, you look cute when you're asleep. He he....
p/s: You can read the story chapter four in older posts. The date is March 26. Thanks.
April 1, 2007
You are my first crush........ (by Mr.Editor)
(Khalidi true confession, I just wrote it down.)
Mr.Editor : Please listen to the music (First Love) while reading this shit!
Khalidi : HEY!!!!
Khalidi : Sorry, but I don't want her name to be recognize.
Mr. Editor : Sorry, my bad..... (fuck you Khalidi!)
Khalidi : Okay, moving on......
I get to know her by his brother. I met him in a forum and since then we've been talking about this, that, anime stuffs and informations.
But one day, while I was online, I was chatting with the brother,
suddenly, she appeared.
My confession, by Khalidi
Our first met.
i will not forgotten that date.
29th of March, 2007.
Our unofficial meeting should I say........
I have entered love.
For the very first time.
I said this to her:
"I love you"
Yes, it was me who make the first move.
But "I love you" phrase,
Its not what I meant actually,
I just wanna befriend with her,
a person who willing to listen her problem,
a person that would, no, will take care of her,
a person who can advice her,
a person that can be trusted,
and the person is me.
I love you,
from the bottom of my heart and soul.
First love, by Utada Hikaru
Saigo no kisu wa
Tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaoriAshita no imagoro ni wa
Anata wa doko ni iru n' darou
Dare wo omotte 'ru n' darouYou are always gonna be my love
Itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru madeTachidomaru jikan ga
Ugoki-dasou to shite 'ru
Wasuretaku nai koto bakariAshita no imagoro ni wa
Watashi wa kitto naite 'ru
Anata wo omotte 'ru n' darouYou will always be inside my heart
Itsu mo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru madeYou are always gonna be my love
I love you........ Aishiteru.........
Itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
Now and forever...
Forever and ever...... My first love.........