April 8, 2007

A day with Mint & Mr.Editor

A day with Mint Blancmanche (Khalidi's fictional wife)

Mr.Editor: Here, *gives Mint the notebook*

Mint: Eh? What's this?

Mr.Editor: The story's storyline. Its still undone. Your Khalidi couldn't manage to finished it on time. So, as you said earlier, you taking over his job right, for a while.....

Mint: Yes.

Mr.Editor: You're going to help me finish this story, whatsoever.

Mint: Oh........ Is that mean I.....

Mr.Editor: Yes. You had to spent the whole day with me.

Mint: Oh my.... What if people see us together, in your room?

Mr.Editor: Er...... Don't worry. We're safe.

Mint: You think?

Mr.Editor: .................

Mint: See.... You're also felt guilty right?

Mr.Editor: Mint, just do you work.

Mint: I refuse to!

Mr.Editor: For Khal's sake.

Mint: ..............

Mr.Editor: Please............. (showing innocent face to her)

Mint: Okay, okay..... I'll do it.

Mr.Editor: Thanks.

Mint: Huh......

Mr.Editor: You're sweet. No wonder Khalidi fall in love with you.

Mint: No.... It's not that.

Mr.Editor: Hm?

Mint: He likes me not because I'm sweet.

Mr.Editor: Really? Then what?

Mint: It's secret.

Mr.Editor: Oh.... I see. I think I can guess it why?

Mint: *face turns red* Ah! No! Not that!

Mr.Editor: So tell me the story then.

Mint: Sigh. Okay, I'll tell.

So Mint tell Mr.Editor about her love story with Khalidi.


Mr.Editor: Wow.... I never thought Khalidi is that kind of person.

Mint: See? Khalidi is really like that. So please don't be hard on him okay?

Mr.Editor: Okay, I will.

Mint: Thanks. *Hugs Mr.Editor*

Mr.Editor: *Face turns red* Er, Mint..... You're hugging me.......

Mint: I know. (^^)

Mr.Editor: Mint, the work......

Mint: Yah? Why?

Mr.Editor: Your job here is finish the story, not hugging me.......

Mint: Oh! Gomenasai! *release Mr.Editor and continue her work*

Mr.Editor: Huh..... That was close.


Khalidi: Ah choo!

Faiz: What's up?

Khalidi: I got the feeling that someone were talking about me.

Faiz: ?????

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