February 13, 2010

Countdown to 14 Feb

February to do list...

Assalamualaikum and good day guys.

It's already the end of 2nd week of February and tomorrow will be the day of... Chinese New Year and V'day! Weeee~~~!

Ok ok. Sadly I don't and won't celebrate V'day like "you" but I have more important agenda on that day. That is, a friend's birthday.

Yeah. Well, I'd let you know some about her. Some.. Yeah. Some. =P

I met her for the first time waaaaaaay back in the kinder garden years so I was like 4 years old then. Since then, we became friend.

I then realised she lived in the apartment next to mine, and I may not often went to her house, nor she went to mine but we used to meet or bumped each other nearby the shop-houses which separate our apartments.

After kinder garden, we both went to the same primary school and spent a good time there for 6 years. However, I started in different class from her, but we used to walk back home together. Even so, I seldom had lunch with her, since I was with my boys. Well, boys always be boys before then. xP

Speaking of together... I used to walk back home with her. My mother would accompany us, and she's happy with her presence. Thus the bonding starts there.

Thorough the six years, I started to have some 'gushy2' feeling towards her. Day by day she became more beautiful and yes, puppy love struck.

But, it's more to one sided since she haven't got a clue of what's happening. I won't say she ignored me, but we both had some spell of time of togetherness.

It's a fact that she's smarter than me, and she excelled thorough the course and scored every finals with flying color. Even the teacher listed her as an 'A' grade student. Well, I'm not that far from her though. (Don't count me out!)

After the primary school, I went to Victoria Institution (V.I) and I have no whereabouts of her going to what school then until I met her wearing Convent Bukit Nenas emblem. So I was like "CBN? Wowzers..." since CBN could consider as 'hotness / fancy / girlish school evah'. Yeah.. Most of my seniors could went gaga over the girls there, and even students from our rival school, the St. John.

Okay. back tot he topic.

Though we went separated but we still keep in touch. After the long 5 years of spell in V.I, it's college time. Again, I don't know here whereabouts.... Until I called her upon her... 18th birthday? I think it was in text, but meh, never mind...

Things went okay. She's doing fine with her course and same goes to me.

Time moving on so fast and it's her 19th birthday yet again and like always, I text-ed her, getting to know what both of us were up to. Of course I've finished my diploma then and she's finished with her matrix, and going for degree, I think? She'd began her degree by now...

Oh well. We meet each other in one occasion, that is my primary school reunion (So much for a reunion... End up only 4 of us attend... XP) and it's o Christmas. Yeah. I got photos of her and the guys in my Facebook. Log in!

And until now, we're much keep in touch with each other via Facebook. Yeah, I guess that's all...?

I know what you might thinking and sadly no. She's not my girlfriend. I can only describe her, as my friend. That's all. (Crush! Crush! Crush!)

That's 14th of February for me, and to all my Chinese friends, I wishing you all Happy Chinese New Year. May the year of the Tiger bring blessing to all of you and may God bless all of you as well. Live long in prosper. :)

Thanks for the time and I hope you guys will enjoy the holiday.

Assalamualaikum and may God be with you. :)

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