February 25, 2010



I know it's essential, but sometimes, people like me tend to do something else than sleep.

My excuse was; "Sleeping are for wimps." That is what I said, and what I've been listening to from people around me (colleagues).

But, as I do such, I lose the excitement of sleeping.

So I asked myself, when was the last time I had a very good sleep?

None thorough the month, but there's one, in January. It was a 6 hours (or more) sleep, and when I woke up, I felt pretty fresh and raring to go for the day.

Since then, all of my sleep was less than 2 hours.

From lack of sleep I started to have this kind of fatigue and a terribly sense of rational. It once occurred to me during this month where I almost pay the penalty for lack in sleep.

I end up sleeping during a lecture and I was in the front row.

I never thought about going to sleep during the course. Honestly. I was reading the module of my subject and I started to slouching and rested my head on the module. My eyes kept on moving and my hands also were still moving and took down the notes told by the lecture in front of me.

However, after a while, the words I see began to blur and when I opened my eyes later, the class was over.

My lecture was the first to point out that I was sleeping during the last 30 minutes of the class. Gladly I didn't got scolded by it but to be honest, I kind off upset my lecturer.

He also noticed how tired I was since I entered the class, therefor he may anticipated of my intention of going to sleep. I really didn't meant to sleep, but I guess the fatigue was way off me and my whole body responded. It shuts down by itself.

So, from that moment, I tried to get more sleeping hours than usual. 4 hours are the minimum I could reach for the past few weeks and I began to get some freshness every morning I woke up from the sleep.

Yeah. Sleep is important. It's not only relax your body but also conserve your mind. Like a 'sleep mode' of a personal computer, the whole mind still revolving around and if lucky, created a nice dream for you, based on your imagination and experiences you faced the whole day.

The mind was resting yet continuing it's task as well as our whole system in the body. Blood flows accordingly to the mood and the nerves, muscles, aches will be put into rest while we are sleeping.

Well, I wish that all of you my friends, won't repeat the same mistake as I am. I know the night life is nice and fun, but sometimes we have to pass the fun for our self's benefit. Try be considerable and honest to yourself first than others. Maybe I'd still stay awake for a whole night someday but I'd love to have some extra hours of sleep due to it. So it's like making a deal of your own self (which I found it kind off fun).

I guess that's all I have to say. Pretty sure I'd try to sleep early tonight, and trying to wake up fresh as well. I hope my friends here will enjoy their sleep too tonight. Until then.

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day.


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