November 30, 2010
Fooball? Bloody hell!
This match also witnessing Jose Mourinho faced Pep Guardiaola for the first time as the Madrid's coach and tension could be felt since last week, and for 5th time (I think) the Portuguese coach met the Catalans in competitive match.
Building up to the match, both club's Presidents wished to have a 'fair play' for the match, where the two will showcase a 'festival of football' in the supposed match.
Festival of football? Bloody hell. Real Madrid got throbbed 5 goals with no replies, and got one sent off. What's that 'festival of football'? I only see people biting off each others' ears, but lots of goals.
Compare to what Manchester United had achieved last time out (the drubbing of Blackburn), the scoreline is pretty emphatic, than Dimitar scoring 5 goals. Then again, it's Blackburn, not Real Madrid.
The showcase of football ends up to be a massacre of Real Madrid, inside an out. Something worth to raise an eye brow at Jose Mourinho and co. With great players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Mezut Ozil, Sergio Ramos, Iker Casillas, and to name but a few, 5-0 scoreline will surely cause a spat in their cv / resume.
Okay, I won't talk much about how the game unfolded, but it just sickening to see such display by the Madrid club. It feels like, they just lie down and die.
The aftermath of this match was, Barcelona leap frog Real to the top of La Liga table with 34 points, and recorded a superior goal differences. Real Madrid lies in 2nd at 32 points, and finally succumbed to their first lost after 13 games. Mourinho even stated, "by no means, humiliation" when been interviewed after the match.
Who weren't? Conceded five goals without a reply, got men sent off and arms flying and pushing people's face, even Wenger left bemused of what just happened.
For a person who wished that Sir Alex Ferguson to continue plotting for Manchester United in coming years, and form another intense rivalry again, Jose should be worry more of getting their revenge on the Catalans in the reverse fixture next year.
Let's hope for another entertaining title chase for the La Liga. What's happening in BPL have already taking a shape, as well as the Bundesliga (German League). Again, please don't write Real Madrid off yet.
As they say, the title wouldn't be decided by August, or October, or even in December. Still to early to call, yet still early to leave the couch and the remotes.
Football fans, rejoice! Let's have an interesting season of football yet again! Ole~!
October 24, 2010
The Answer to life is...

"Think that you're alone? You'll never be alone; Not even if you'd try. There's always people or 'something' out there, who will company you until your very end. Either friends, family, enemy or even what you choose to believe upon, there shouldn't be the term, solitary. Your persona. You are what you are. You will see what you wish to see, but how it'll end is up to you. The Choices is yours."Anon.
Mysterious guy: *hands over a gun-looking tool* Go on. Call it. Cal your persona. Scream out what you've kept inside for a very long time.
Me: *takes the tool and points at his own head*
Mysterious guy: Call it.
Me: *takes a deep breath* Per... So... Na! *pulls the trigger*
PERSONA 3FES (above dialogues are just canon. xP)
I have to admit... This game totally rocks! Persona 3FES, as far am I concern, were up there along with Final Fantasy series. Heck! I even heard that Persona 3FES was a 'must get game' in PS2 console. Just check out the score cards here!
I got it, I've played it and I've finished it. I started playing the game somewhere in September, and I've just finished it, today at 5.55 am. I guess, it took me a month (:D) to finish it, but it was a relief for me to have finished it. Now I can have a good night sleep and more time to rest, and study. (lol)
So here I am, reviewing the game I've played for every single night since I started to play it and I have to say, it's a very exciting and wonderful experience. No, I'd like to call it, a great adventure. For only RM 5.00 (US$ 1.60, LOL) the game brings almost everything a gamer desire.
As an introduction, Persona 3FES is a single-player console role-playing game (with additional simulation gameplay), similar to what FFX has to offer with a turn-based style of fighting sequence. (If you had played FF before, this won't be a problem.) The controls are easy to understand and almost use all the buttons on the controller (it looks better with analog control stick). The game storage can save up to 20 slots, so you may try to complete almost everything in the game. To make thing interesting, if one is not enough, you'd like to try to play the game once more using your "Save Game" file. There, you will experience harder in-game battle as well new stuff to discover and learn. Oh, have I mention that the game have TWO different plots within?
Let's see... There was "The Journey", and "The Answer". Both set in different settings but still intact with the main storyline. In "The Journey", it's the intro and the climax for the whole game, while "The Answer" plays as the closing. So, if you first play Persona 3FES, start off with "The Journey" and finish it, and then continue with "The Answer" so you'll see the true message of the game, as well the main idea of the story.
Moving on to the game's graphics. Honestly, FF is more realistic but if you're into the anime-kind of design, Persona 3FES is satisfactory! Rendered in 3D gameplay with 2D (anime-ish) cut scenes, this game is sure fun to watch (and play). You'd fight in a 3D environment and most of the cut scenes were in 3D, but some interesting cut scene will be displayed in 2D. So it's very much a good art combo, similar to Megaman X8 (another interesting game I've played!)
Next, covering the whole game with catchy and interesting BGM! Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, what is BGMs to great games. Like what Nobuo Uematsu has achieved in FF series, this is the first time I heard of the composer Shoji Meguro and he didn't disappointed me, and other gamers as well. Along with singer Yumi Kawamura and MC a.k.a rapper Lotus Juice, the musics are just entertaining and fun to listen at too.
In addition, the in-game dialogues were well translated and understandable. (The original game was made to Japanese language) The English dubbers seemed to put lots of effort to make sure the gamers to feel like into the game. It's very worthwhile and hey.... You could improve your English here too. (LOL) The cut-scenes were presented with and without dialogues, yet it'd be more interested if everything were in dialogue eh? But, as far I am concern, the makers truly did a splendid job on the translation.
Despite the game uses mythological characters, some gamers found it a nice idea. If you are familiar an anime titled "Fate/Stay Night", you'd enjoy the idea of the gameplay. Just imagine, you beating up those pesky monsters using Gods from Greek myths, Japanese legends, Hindus, European deity, Chinese folklore, and more. Though, the game did not mentioned much of religious themed such as Christianity or Hindus, but there were deities from them being put. I just hope the info of those deities were correctly and relevantly applied.Even it's a game, it must not cause some stir upon the details of the so called "Gods".
I mentioned about 'simulation' gameplay early on and I'd say it's a great thing since Persona 3FES have NO mini-games! (They have it actually but not entirely related to the game itself). Unlike FFX where you can go Blitzball-ing all the way until the end, Persona 3FES offer simulation where you can have an interesting relationship with several characters in the game, which will help with your completion of the game. The best part is... You can DATE with other characters! Ya-hoo! But please be warned... It's not as easy as you think. This simulation and dating system will help with your progress of the game and it's something that gamers have to keep an eye to.
The settings of the game is quite logic and make senses. You're playing as a Japanese high-school student and live like one to. You eat, sleep, play games, making friends and as a 'Persona-user', you kick monster's butts. You're a like a superhero technically. Student by day, Persona-user by night. The idea of creating the game more Japanese is fulfilled as you'd likely get the idea on how to live in Japan, and learn how Japan's culture looks like. Kimonos, Yukatas... Oh, Sushi anyone?
The in-game battle is as excellent as the design. The execution of the move was done perfectly although some quotes seemed redundant, but that's not the case. What impress me most was the ability of customization, upgrades and leveling. It's simple, easy to master and lots of options. You are able to customize both your Persona and your hand-held weapon (swords, guns, etc.) to help you win the battles. Items like potions and elixirs were also being used, so it's not that different than FF right? Not quite... Plus they even put details about your weaponry! There are tons of weapons to explore and use, each have it's own strength and weaknesses, plus their own explanation too! Like, there's a katana with different backgrounds, and etc. Oh, the move set is also as much as the same like FF but, the game have more interesting buffs and debuffs move set. In battle quotes are also interesting and would bring you closer to the battle. Plus, the gameplay is simply using logic. Fire beats Ice, Ice beats Electricity, Electricity beats Wind and Wind beats fire, or so it varies. Oh... This game is not like Poke'mon where you guys "gotta catch'em all!, although the idea is very much the same. Moreover, the logic aspect of strength and weakness of the character very much display and carefully explained along the way.
I guess that covers the game. Overall, I am very impressed by the game and lots of credits for Atlus, the developer of the game and 'Shin Megami Tensei' series. I spent a month of sleepless nights in order to finish this game and it's a breath taking journey. You may wonder how I can cope with playing this game all night and excel in studies. It's because I'm just, awesome. (haha!)
So, here's the final verdict of the game.
- Plot: 8/10
- Gameplay: 8/10
- Design: 9/10
- Sound: 8/10
- Graphic: 8/10
- Overall: 8.2/10
Editor's note:
There's only one slight worry about the game. The violence rate of Persona 3FES is not as much gore but the presentation probably too much for kids to understand, or influenced them too much to a point where they'd do stupid things based on the game.
#1: In order to summon your 'Persona', you use a gun-looking tool and technically 'shoot your own head'.
#2: Some bad language usage.
#3: Fanaticism over the idea of the game.
Even if those weren't a big problem, yet it's something to be worry if you have siblings or children or contacts who end up being obsessive about the idea of the game, and they'd scream "PER-SO-NA" or "The Death is coming! The Death is coming!". Hopefully, there won't be any case relating to Persona as much as Evangelion... (no hurt feelings ok? Click here)
So, that's all folks. Persona 3FES bring the best RPG experience you'd ever have and if you have finished it, don't forget to play the game's sequel, Persona 4. My advice to you future gamers, don't stay up too late and do concentrate in your studies and life as well. (:D)
Before I finish, I leave you some of memorable quotes from the game as well my "all the best wishes" to you, my readers and beloved friends. Until then...
"The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yes, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Attaining ones' dream requires and stern will and unfailing determination" Nyx Avatar. Yes, you have seal your fate.
"Even we have another great task at hand,but be remember that student's no.1 priority is study." Mitsuru Kirijo, Persona-user. Take that!
"We hate ordinary.So we need THEM to make us extraordinary." Takaya, Persona-user. Thus we all should be different, in any other way?
"Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. No one can escape time. It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes." Pharos, Persona character. He got points.
"You are unscrupulous. As punishment, I will not converse with you for the rest of the night. Commencing ignore mode." Aigis, Persona-user. Imagine if your girlfriend say this to you.
and last but not least...
"Per-So-Na!" Main Character, you. Take the 'evoker' and scream PERSONA!
"Until then...." Igor, Velvet Room residence. Farewell~
~Quotes are from the game, Persona 3FES.~
Click here!
- Persona 3FES official website.
- Hardcore Gaming 101's article on the series
Please watch the trailer!
October 21, 2010
Roo-ing the moment?

Nevertheless, Mr. Rooney now is in the brink of exiting the club Manchester United.
Yes ladies and gentlemen. Wayne Rooney a.k.a The White Pele a.k.a Wazza a.k.a (enter name here) has stated his interest to leave Manchester United this week. To make matter worse, he said it a day before Manchester United's Champion's League match against Buraspor, 2010 Turkish champion.
And we won it, by a goal from Portuguese Nani. Without Wayne Rooney. I repeat, we won it without Wayne Rooney.
Ever since his private life was revealed to the media (somewhere in September) he is no where near to the form he was last season. Not to forget, his form while in World Cup also raised some eye brows. Now, he's looking forward to leave Man Utd.
The reason why he'd leave is simply because he'd like to win more trophies, not because of he neglected to sing a new 4-year deal contract, somewhere around 150,000 pounds per week, was he? How bout the saying that he's fed up with Fergie and Man Utd. (Huh...?) What do you think of the reason why he wanted to leave Man Utd?
We can look at the reasons one by one, starting with the 'I want to win more trophies'. It's simply translated that he was meant to say "Been there, done that". He have won 3 league titles, 3 league cups, 1 Champion's League title and lots of individual accolades. This might be a hint of he'd like to join his beloved 'old friend' somewhere in Spain. (And I know you know where... :P)
Next reason... Money. No comments on that. It's proven that footballers nowadays will look after money over loyalty, respect and anything about the love of the game. Remember what happened to Ronaldo and Tevez? Rumors has it Rooney is worth of 50 million pounds now and some sources suggest that Manchester City is kind of interested to sign him at 200,000 pounds per week of wages.
The other reason suggest that Wayne has lost his interest to be under Fergie. This brought me how some big name players leave Man Utd over a decade ago due to their upset and disliking the gaffer. Sorry to say but I don't think it's Fergie's to be blame upon. Here's a list of player who got 'axed' by the gaffer.
1995: Paul Ince
2001: Jaap Stam
2004: David Beckham
2005: Roy Keane
2006: Ruud Van Nistelrooy
Efforts has been done and going to be done as Ferguson will have a talk with Man Utd's Chief Executive, David Gill and the result will be known, shortly? (lol) Though, Ferguson has stated in a post-match press conference after Man Utd's victory against Burasport that he'll put the 'saga' to bed and focus to Sunday's match away at Stoke. (Available in Malaysia @ 8:30 pm)
Just to relate things up, Man Utd's simply not at their best with all these speculation stirring up on the newspapers and fuzzing around in the news as well. The speculation is as bad as their form away and even home. Thus the resolution must come a.s.a.p or the team will have their chance to get in the pace with the leader, gone. (We're 5 points behind Champion Chelsea)
However, if... A really big if, Rooney leave Manchester United, I don't think it'd be a problem at all. Just look at the list of players The Red Devil have and they still have some years left in them to mature and develop into better and world class players. Not to mention, we still have Paul Scholes, Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville, and veterans like Dimitar Berbatov (who's in TOP FORM YEAH!) and Edwin Van Der Sar to help the young stars to become good players.
We may see the end of Rooney, but there is a silver lining upon his departure. Two player who are now in a mission to get out from their own shell and silence the critic once and for all. Nani and Berbatov, let's show em!
Next match:
Stoke vs Manchester United (a)
Prediction: Another 1-0 victory against the Potters, Nani or Berbatov to score.
September 29, 2010
Manchester United 10/11 so far...

I can't accept another setbacks... It's now or never Fergie... No Rooney and no Scholes, no problem?
Since the start of the season, there are rumors of saying Manchester United is weak and 'not as it should be' compare to three seasons before. So what? We won two Premier League titles, won and retained the Carling Cup. Compare to you Scousers, we won titles, but not you, right? You too Gunners. =P
Okay. back to the topic.... We are now three points behind leader Chelsea, and we have scored sixteen goals and conceded nine. We've played into draw in our three away matches (Fulham 2-2, Everton 3-3 and Bolton 2-2) and it's something to bother because we're terribly defended in away matches. Not to mention we'd lost points during Liverpool visit at our ground on 19th September. We also losing points in the Champion's League where we open our CL season with 0-0 draw with 'unorthodox' Rangers. Thorough there, we've lost six points in the league and conceded seven goals on the road. Not a good thing I think?
I remember well how season 07/08 started and I don't think it can go worst, isn't it? But, we did won the title on that season and I do hope we won it again this season as well.
The spotlight for this season so far has to be United's no. 10, Wayne Rooney, with his private life publicized by the media. Mr and Mrs Rooney spoke to the public not to reveal their private life, but it prove to be the catalyst for what Rooney's season provide to us so far. That was what 'Wazza' said, and Ferguson backed him up.
Across the regions, England's legend Kevin Keegan however had other idea about Rooney's downfall, and blame the Merseyside born football star's lifestyle for all these.
"You can't then turn around and say there's too much paparazzi around or too much publicity," Keegan said to ESPN.
It's reality and Rooney had to make it up or his shine will soon faded and he won't be the number ten we know in two seasons from now.
And as for our match against Valencia tonight, Rooney was put to rest for at least three weeks due to ankle injury sustained during Bolton's game. If that's not worse enough, talisman Paul Scholes wasn't joining the trip to Spain too.
Speaking of which, Valencia CF's season started off pretty solid. Now topping the La Liga (Spain's League) and the Group C too. Even without their prolific striker David Villa, they still consider as a threat to us Reds. I have been a fond of the current star man in Valencia, Spain's winger Joaquin, and I expect him to cause such trouble in United's back line. (Oh the horror...)
Well, I guess that's all. I am trying not to point fingers at anyone at this rate because, 'it's not a cool thing to do'. (LOL). I hope the defense will be alright, with Rio (Ferdinand) is returning, along with (Michael) Carrick for the first half of the season. I still missing that Canadian born midfielder Owen Hargreaves, and I wish him a good recovery soon.
May the best team win tonight! Glory glory Man Utd!
My prediction for tonight: Valencia 1 - 2 Manchester United
September 24, 2010
Greed is Good?

How the American managed to survive this horror? A bailout clause of course but its ain't pretty since some companies have to be closed down, or sold to bigger firms.
(Not to mention a number of people 'died' in this struggle)
So here's Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, showing a bit of insight of how stock brokers trying to survive in the economic depression.
Starring star in making Shia LeBeouf, and the legendary Michael Douglas (Who also starred in Wall Street, 1987) and also other awesome casts in the likes of Josh Brolin and Casey Mulligan, and more.
The plot may seemed predictable but from what I see it, it's interesting. How the story unfolds is rather simple but it'd give a slight impact when you got the idea on how low some people can go in order to do something.
When it comes to business, your consciousness will always be questioned. Decisions have to be made in favor of the firm and also ourselves, but what's the price for it? Etiquette seemed irrelevant and that's the downside of being successful in business world. Think about that for a second. Compare to us, Malaysia seemed not to far from such scrutiny right?
There's another message stored in the movie as well, and it always have to be in form of relationship. Not only conflicts among couples, but family as well, and how far can one go to get what he wants and deserved.
It's an interesting movie, but I don't think it'd get nominated in any big awards held next year. If so, then it's great to hear. (LOL)
All's well end's well. It's a movie worth of watching and I mean it. Doesn't matter whether you're seating in ordinary cinema or Gold Classes theater, you would enjoy the movie with your friends, family and beloved ones. As for me, I give the movie a score of 7/10.
Peace to all. Love ya and take care. I'll leave you with a quote from the movie which you can reflect at on.
"The mother of all evil is speculation" Gordon Gekko.
August 19, 2010
19 and running...

July 18, 2010

The inception of war, the inception of a story... The inception of a dream.
Dream. Speaking of dream, have you felt that sometimes, your idea came from your dream?
If you have felt it, then you probably understand about Christopher Nolan's latest blockbuster movie, Inception.
Ladies and gentlemen, the idea of inception is creating the beginning of something, like an idea.
The idea is like a seed, planted in one's mind and it'll grew by itself, knowing or unknowingly by the person. It is so complex, so random and you might actually felt that, the idea perhaps came from out of no where.
It does have a source. A very unexpected source. Your dream.
Yes, the dream. The very simplest source of projecting the idea, and it makes you wonder when you woke up from a dream, you might have that 'something' you wished to share or tell people about it. People would be awed by the idea you received, and they might asked you this kind of question;
"Where did you got the idea?"
And your answer probably;
"It's from my dream."
They might laughed, left in questions or maybe scratching their heads trying to believe of what you just said. My advice? Don't mind them.
Little do you know, but while we were in sleep, our mind still working, processing the supposed idea, and generates new idea from it. As I said before, (idea) like a seed, grew by itself and helped by the aid of the memory we might have or simply, 'someone just put that in my head'.
The mind processes the information gain through experience (memories) and that helps the person to gain new idea. Of course, the mind somehow wasn't used full of it's capacity, or perhaps, won't. But, when the idea was planted or created, that's when the brain starts to move.
For an example, I had an assignment to be done. I had to make a lot of research and reads references which are required in order to finish the task. I work for it for 4 hours, and at night, I go to sleep. While I am sleeping, the work I did earlier will be revised back again by my mind, which then, when I wake up, I may have the solution flashes right in front of my eyes.
Unlike the movie, Leonardo and co. acted as the 'thing' who are planting 'ideas' or, back then, 'steal' the idea. It was said, the USA military used this dream training to improve their aiming, hand-to-hand combat and whatsoever on. Well, the practice was modernized and presented in the movie.
All what I have to say is, Inception will likely be my favourite movie of all time, along with Gladiator, Pirates of Carribean, The Dark Knight, and so on. I really enjoyed watching it and can't wait to have the movie in DVD or by downloading it.
Well. I recommend all of you to watch this masterpiece. It is really worthy, and enjoyable experience too. I wanted to look at your face after the show. Two of my friends already went speechless with that movie.
Until then. Have a nice day people, and...
Sweet dreams.
June 25, 2010
New phone~
I mean, for me, phone are meant to use as a communication tool, whereas it is used for making calls, receiving calls, send text messages and receive messages too. That's the fundamental of a phone.
The other function are just accessories, so I don't bother much. I understand, it's all for convenience, but I'm happy enough to have a simple phone.
That's all folks. Gonna buy me a new phone~ Toodles! :)
June 16, 2010
My Story
Let me share a story about me being the only daughter, and the last child of my family, I treated like a most valuable gem a person can ever had.
My father loved me. He is a great man. He taught me the basis of this sorcery. Even how strict he was, he always has a soft spot for me. I realized, that he scolded me for a reason. It is because he loves me so much. Back in my homeland, he is the town's leader and everyone respected him. His wizardry was also magnificent. I once saw his performance and it is truly mesmerizing. Someday, I want to be like him. No, I want to be better than him.
My mother was not a sorcerer. She is a mere mortal but did have some practices under father's guidance on sorcery. Even so, it did not cross my mind how my mother even gets to married with my father. Unfortunately, she did not live with us after she gave a birth of me. She moved out and lived with the other mortals, in a place where today I have to live in. Until now, I have no known her whereabouts but I did keep an address, which would lead me to her. However, the note stated that I might only meet her, 'when the time comes'.
Before there was me, there is Joshua. My only brother and the first person I care most other than my father. I do not know how to explain the feelings I share with him. He would be more than just a brother to me, perhaps. I do not know. If my father was not around, he took over father's role to teach me. Father first taught him the basis and eventually let him learn the secret of this sorcery. It was father's own wish to let Joshua to take over him in every single aspect. Father entrusted him with all of his heart and always backed Joshua to perfecting his skills.
In addition, Joshua finally relinquished father's dream and he was very proud. However, Joshua was not happy, because he realized, he will not be able to spend some time with me. I was seven back then, but I then realized what did he meant.
Joshua became the 45th village leader and his rank surpasses every each of the town's previous leaders. Just at the tender age of 23, he mastered all the spells in the book and completed his pilgrimage thus, he became highly ranked wizard.
Somehow, I was criticized by the town folks soon after. Despite having a brother that is truly skilful and have all the ingredients to be a leader, I am nowhere near to his level. Even I was eleven; I have yet to master a spell. To be honest, I sucked. The only thing I capable to perform is manipulating the element of fire, because that is what my father only taught me.
Joshua became upset and disappointed to let me be criticised by the folks and warned the people not to say a word to me. Moreover, on that moment, his credibility to lead the group started to crumble down. He refused to marry any of town's maiden because his thoughts they are unequal to him. He ought to teach the youngsters and wanted to build a witchcraft school within the town by the elders somewhat denied his wish, for an excuse of being selfish and obsolete. The idea that stated thought obsolete by the elders' sparked rage towards Joshua and soon, he lost it.
If I could remember it correctly, it was my thirteenth birthday when Joshua began to enslave those who turn their backs to him. He has fed up for being nice and tolerate to the people. The elders feared his action and they tried to dispel him, but no avail. Joshua proven to be hundreds of times stronger and the elders were defeated and left to meet their demise.
Joshua began to have the hunger for power, as he set his sight to start building his own empire. The town was then for me to control, but it's me who feel his wrath first hand. I tried to convince him to stop ruling with iron fist, but did not listen to me. He began to take over towns after towns, city and then the rest of the kingdom. He ruled the country, and gains all the powers he needs, the wealth he wants and all the wisdom he can obtain.
It was sad. My thirteenth year of living was the moment where Joshua completely ignored me. After all the feelings I share with him, it all gone.
Our father, who survived Joshua's initial assault on our town, made an unholy pack with the demon clan, who would only be the one who can stop Joshua. The demon agreed to help us, but the stipulation was, not what my father had in mind. My father totally disgusted to learn about the stipulation but he had no choice. When I asked him about the stipulation, it was;
"It'll be he's bloodline to stop him..." To make it specify, father explained that he had to kill him. I was furious, disbelieved and confused. I locked myself for days; hoping father will not have to kill Joshua.
In the end, my father confronted Joshua for the first and perhaps, for the last time.
June 4, 2010
Work + Study = Fun
Some say, one who's working and studying at the same time, will have less time for fun. Technically, it's which kind of fun, do you meant by? As for me, both are fun.
I'm working under a company called APPCO Group, and in the mean time, studying for the 4th semester in OUM (Open University Malaysia). Both are tiring, but I'm enjoying it, no matter what.
For RM 50 per sales I can make, I'd get like RM 200 at least, per week. Seriously, scoring 4 sales aren't that hard...
As for the studies, I need to use the empty slots available in my very own schedule, making good use of all of my time.
It's difficult, but it's possible. :)
May 12, 2010
All's well end's well?

2009/2010 season of Barclay's Premier League has finally over, and what a season we just experienced, eh?
With Chelsea won the title for the forth time in their history, and their last was on 2005/2006 season. Jose Mourinho was still the 'Special One' back then, but now The Blues have a new hero.
Carlo Ancelloti, and congrats to them.
Okay people, I'm not gonna talk about Chelsea after this, until the next season starts. Today, I'd like to give out what I think about Manchester United this season.
First of all, I'd love to admit that whether there's Cristiano (Ronaldo) or not, Manchester United can still play at their very best (and worse) in every matches they had, this season. My best Manchester United game for this season was when we beat AC Milan, home and away! (And Scholes scored what is... I describe, a WEIRD goal!) Highlights for the games: Away/ Home (Sorry for the audio.. But I found the non-english exciting! xD)
However, there is the lowest part for the Red Devils this season and the award goes to... Our defeat to Burnley! No comments about it and NO HIGHLIGHTS! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Okay nao~ Let's see my best player of the season!
There are three candidates, and they are...
1) Wayne Rooney
2) Nani
3) Patrice Evra
Okay, I know I seldom fancy a defender to win my heart, but Pat somewhat is nearby there. His mobility, running up and down in the left flank of the attack or defense this season was terrific. If he was born playing with both of his feet, I bet he'd scored goals this season, seriously.
Then there's Nani, who, at the start of the campaign, was put under such pressure in order to fill that 'long-gone' Portuguese superstar's boot and boy, doesn't he started rather awful? However, I learn that his down-in-form was caused by the injury he had thorough the 1st half of the season. After some treatment done on him, the Nani showed his true color. Goals after goals, assists after assists, Nani too opted me to pick him as my best player of the season.
However, what Pat and Nani don't have, is that scoring mentality which usually and occasionally grew within a player who play in a striker role. Therefore, the player who send the ball into the net as many as he/she likes, are what they call, a striker. Wayne Rooney, PFA Player of the Year, Football's Writer Player of the Year, Fan Player of the Year, and of course.. My Best Player of The Year too. Congratulation Roon!
When there's up, there's down. Candidates for my Worse Player of The Season are...
1) Rafael Da Silva
2) Anderson
3) Dimitar Berbatov (winning by default)
Seriously, I am bit upset for Berbatov, who I looked promising ever since Manchester United bought him for 30m Pounds sterling... Like, wtfh is Berba doing this season? And how he could miss a sitter in that game against Sunderland. I am not talking about one, but three tries he had, and none he scored. It may be a bad season for the Bulgarian, and I am hoping he'd do something for next season. It'd make me even more upset to see him leave as well. Sigh...
Then there's Anderson, who.. I was like, "where the fuck is he?" in the whole season? Knee injury? Really? Last time I heard he got into trouble by awol-ing to Brazil, and not coming for training. Really?
Rafael... Okay. He's still young, and of course he's immature, but red cards have been with him like, ever since he started to play in the Red's shirt. I try not to blame him for our lose against Bayern Munich in the Quarter-Finals, but I really have no choice. Referring bias? Rafael should be more mature and maintain his composure. I hope Gary could teach him one or two about it, playing in the big stage while maintaining your composure, focus and, reasonable tenacity. Ha ha... "reasonable tenacity?" Great job there Khal... So, Rafael won me the "Worse Player of The Season!"
Goal of the season has to be Darren Fletcher against Everton in a home game. Here's the clip.
Okay, so the overall perfromance wasn't that bad. There's no Carlos Tevez and Cristiano Ronaldo so it's like, lacking or missing a hard-working and talented footballers in a same time, but we managed.
High hopes for:
Antonio Valencia
Darren Gibson
Johnny Evans
Federico Macheda
Danny Welbeck
Gabriel Obertan, and lastly;
Michael Owen
Come on you Reds! Glory glory Man Utd!
April 25, 2010
Nani is not your (Average) Ronaldo.

If you think he just your average guy, think again. The 'new-born' Nani gave us what we needed most. Victory.
The Portuguese winger's career in 2010 wasn't a bright start, and his last goal for the club in the Premiership was the free-kick scored against Wigan, at the beginning of the season.
Thorough then, he was plagued with injuries and off-form performance, but since his return form the latest injury, his form was simply magnificent.
He was only now 23 years of age, but Ryan Giggs quoted, "With ten minutes to go and to be one-on-one with the goalkeeper, to chip it over him like that shows great confidence. But he’s the talent he has throughout the season. We were all pleased to see it go in, and he deserved it."
Notes taken, he's not Ronaldo. He's Nani.
Remember the name, ladies and gentlemen. There's more to come from this exciting and emerging star of Old Trafford.
April 17, 2010
Bring it on!

That would be what this fella in the pic might be yelling at the London's Blues.
Heading to the match, I could see Man Utd slipped out from the title chase, as Man City was running riot, unlike Man Utd who suffered a torrid month of April so far.
Until today...
A last gasp header by Man Utd's own Paul Scholes, lit up the hope for Man Utd's title chasing ambition as the victory pulled them close to only a point behind Chelsea, who will found themselves facing a much delighted Tottenham Hotspurs, fresh from their nail biting win against another (famous) London club, and also the title contender, Arsenal.
Yesh, my friend. There's still hope for Man Utd, but they asking for Chelsea to slip up a little bit. I know Man Utd's not that kind of team who they wished for help form other rival clubs, but... I'm pretty sure Sir Alex Ferguson himself wished the team to get as much luck and help from others. (Prayers anyone...?)
But, tonight's win was utter.. Dramatic. Paul Scholes headed home at the very last moments of the game was pure beautiful for me, and to make things better, it's another Manchester derby victory.
Imposing figure such as Tevez and Adebayor could not make their break even though Man Utd simply did gave them several of chances, but they didn't converted every chances they could get. The best might probably fall for Tevez, who, his wonderful free-kick just outside form the box was well saved and well held by Edwin van Der Sar. If it's in, Man utd had to crawl for at least the equalizer...
All's well end's well for us tonight. I wish Man Utd a best of luck and, may the best team wins. :) Till then~

April 8, 2010
So Near yet So Far

So near yet so far, that's how Man Utd season so far.
The exit from Champion's League was a great dismissal, and I felt that this lose truly wrapped this season's mission.
But, I don't want to complain. The best team won and sadly it wasn't Man Utd.
Although, I'm proud to see them last night. The things how the team shaking off this season was something inspiring and I see lot's of team work more than last season.
Wayne Rooney, Nani, Park Ji-Sung, and the whole team mesmerized me. The signing of Michael Owen was a bit surprising but to be fair, he's been something that Man Utd missing lately.
Last night's game was pretty much of what I'd love to say; "That's football".
Good luck Man Utd. At least, win this season's Premiership.
May God bless you.
p/s: Tough away games coming....
March 5, 2010
Major bummer...
February 28, 2010
A Bridge to Far?

The catch phrase would be; "I slept with your ex".
Some of us may not care anymore what are they (our ex) might do, but not Wayne Bridge. The Manchester City's fullback who is now living with the ex's children, and he loves them so much.
However, what did John Terry (his "best friend", his former "team mates", his "family", his "colleague", his "international teammate", his "to name but a few…") did? He slept with Wayne's ex.
To be honest, it sucks when you have this affair, especially when you are an established sportsman and a (not England) courageous leader (cough).
He has been the England and Chelsea heat ever since he first kicked the ball under the Blue's shirt. He won numerous of applaud and tons of appreciation through the years, but when this happened, it is like the end for John Terry and his lustrous career (his penalty missed during the Champion's League final against Man Utd will always be remembered).
First, his dad accused of dealing drugs. Then it is his mother, stealing in a supermarket. Today, the parents' beloved son went sleeping with someone's (ex) girlfriend. What's next in store for the Terry's? Paul sent to jail for swearing?
Alright. That's just the interface. Maybe too much detail would make John Terry turned from 'British Best Daddy' to 'Manchester Hated Scumbag'.
I watched the match, and yes my attention was on Wayne and the Chelsea captain, especially when it's a set piece or anything that would made them came into a contact.
Speaking of contact, if I'm not mistaken Mr. Bridge didn't made any eye contact to his "friend" thorough the match. Surprise? I don't think so.
Since the start of the match, I've noticed something sparking. The Captains of both teams had to lead their team to the field and then they shake hands. Since John Terry's the first man who the Man City's players would shook hands, guess where did Wayne Bridge was in the line?
He's the last person (if it's not for Carlos Tevez).
So the players shake hands, and all were pumped up for the match.
Oh, do you remember Patrick Vieira vs Roy Keane dated back in 2005? When Vieira was shaking hands with the Man utd players, the early victim that caused the bust up, Gary Neville did this "glare" and shook his hand hard, which really pumped the emotions up. Here's the vid. Click here.
However, what did Wayne Bridge does?
Yeah. He's either; "Oh? I don't know John was there..." or "..." over JT. As far as you would concern, snubbing a handshake is very rude. However, in this case, would this be justice for Bridge?
Who knows, but a drubbing defeat of Chelsea says it all.
What kind of dramas will be unfolded upon this very exciting season of the Premier League...?
No one knows.
p/s: The whole scandal truly disturb the image of John Terry. I really like to see Chelsea go down, but not like this.
February 25, 2010
I know it's essential, but sometimes, people like me tend to do something else than sleep.
My excuse was; "Sleeping are for wimps." That is what I said, and what I've been listening to from people around me (colleagues).
But, as I do such, I lose the excitement of sleeping.
So I asked myself, when was the last time I had a very good sleep?
None thorough the month, but there's one, in January. It was a 6 hours (or more) sleep, and when I woke up, I felt pretty fresh and raring to go for the day.
Since then, all of my sleep was less than 2 hours.
From lack of sleep I started to have this kind of fatigue and a terribly sense of rational. It once occurred to me during this month where I almost pay the penalty for lack in sleep.
I end up sleeping during a lecture and I was in the front row.
I never thought about going to sleep during the course. Honestly. I was reading the module of my subject and I started to slouching and rested my head on the module. My eyes kept on moving and my hands also were still moving and took down the notes told by the lecture in front of me.
However, after a while, the words I see began to blur and when I opened my eyes later, the class was over.
My lecture was the first to point out that I was sleeping during the last 30 minutes of the class. Gladly I didn't got scolded by it but to be honest, I kind off upset my lecturer.
He also noticed how tired I was since I entered the class, therefor he may anticipated of my intention of going to sleep. I really didn't meant to sleep, but I guess the fatigue was way off me and my whole body responded. It shuts down by itself.
So, from that moment, I tried to get more sleeping hours than usual. 4 hours are the minimum I could reach for the past few weeks and I began to get some freshness every morning I woke up from the sleep.
Yeah. Sleep is important. It's not only relax your body but also conserve your mind. Like a 'sleep mode' of a personal computer, the whole mind still revolving around and if lucky, created a nice dream for you, based on your imagination and experiences you faced the whole day.
The mind was resting yet continuing it's task as well as our whole system in the body. Blood flows accordingly to the mood and the nerves, muscles, aches will be put into rest while we are sleeping.
Well, I wish that all of you my friends, won't repeat the same mistake as I am. I know the night life is nice and fun, but sometimes we have to pass the fun for our self's benefit. Try be considerable and honest to yourself first than others. Maybe I'd still stay awake for a whole night someday but I'd love to have some extra hours of sleep due to it. So it's like making a deal of your own self (which I found it kind off fun).
I guess that's all I have to say. Pretty sure I'd try to sleep early tonight, and trying to wake up fresh as well. I hope my friends here will enjoy their sleep too tonight. Until then.
Assalamualaikum and have a nice day.
February 21, 2010
Cheer Up :)
Cheer up Man Utd fans, it's not like the whole world crumble yet.
Last night's match against Everton predicted to be a competition. David Moyes' side are in good form and I'm not surprised to see Man Utd been defeated like such. (Well... The score line did surprised me!!!)
Let's recap the whole.
Everton who lost both of their influential players, Tim Cahill (Injury) and Marouine Fellaini (Out for the whole season) starts the high-profile match in a 4-5-1 formation, and let alone the French striker Louis Saha in front (LOVE YOU SAHA!!! REDS FOREVER!). Leon Osman, Stephen Piennar and Mikel Arteta was put in the midfield while the Russian hit man Bilyaletdinov and American Landon Donovan operates the flanks. Ex-Reds, Phil Neville captained the side and operates along with Johnny Heitinga, Sylvian Distin and Leighton Baines at the back. Another former Reds Tim Howard is in between the sticks.
Man Utd who just won a great match in San Siro on Tuesday, had Nemanja Vidic in the squad, but only put in the bench. They started with a 4-4-2 formation. Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov collaborated up while Michael Carrick and Darren Fletcher are in the midfield. Since Nani was suspended for a three match ban (Serving his first match ban) Ecuadorian Antonio Valencia deputized the right flank while ever-loving Korean player Ji-Sung Park in the left. Captain Gary Neville again called up along with Johnny Evans, Wes Brown and Patrice Evra. Edwin Van Der Sar is in goal.
Heading to the match, Man Utd had never lost in Goodison since 2005, and for the record, the Merseyside Blue has only beaten Man Utd two times. So the prospect of winning here is predictable. However, after Everton pulling the strings of fine performance and even Man City and Chelsea were defeated here, the Blues would likely to make a great victory against Man Utd.
Refereeing for the match is the 2010 World Cup official, Mr. Howard Webb.
The match started brightly for Man Utd who scored for the Reds within 16 minutes of play. Rooney picked up Antonio Valencia at right and he crossed a low pass into the box. The ball was ricochet against a defender, and the ball end up at Berbatov's fright foot. The Bulgarian hit man quickly balanced himself to hit the ball instantly for the opener.
However, 3 minutes later, A mistake by United's defense lead up an equalizer for Everton. A long ball from the back was for Louis Saha. Young Johnny Evans anticipated the ball but the challenge by the French striker was fair. Bilyaletdinov picked up the ball from his side and ran into the box before shoots a screamer, which Edwin Van Der Sar had not budged. Replays show how the challenge on Johnny Evans was fair and Bilyaletdinov used Brown's body as a shield from Edwin's view.
The half time ended too soon. The pundits began to put their money in for the Blues, which shows their true nature. They are the team who beats Manchester City and Chelsea in this very turf and they are will likely to repeat the achievement against Manchester United.
As the second half on the way and sadly it turned up to be a goalless as the clock reached an hour.
However, substitute Dan Gosling finally put his team ahead after a fine work from the Everton's African player Stephen Piennar. Gary Neville left out by the African's pace and he immediately centred the ball for his teammates to scrap the pieces. Louis Saha missed the chance to hit it but luckily Gosling's there.
The Blues were not finished there yet! They then introduced Jack Rodwell. Ok, here's the stuff.
Jack Rodwell has been in the eyes of Man Utd which is to be, their next signing. The young Blues player puts an exclamation point for Everton's third goal during the dying time of the match.
Picking up the pieces, Jack rain through the defense and even Evans (He terribly poor for the whole game) looked like a dunce back there. Fast and Furious, Jack hits with his right and the ball slides through Edwin and thus the celebration explodes the whole Goodison Park. Of course, he got booked for taking of his shirt....
Alright, so in conclusion, Everton won by three goals to one, and another great win for Everton; and also, another high-profile lose for Man Utd.
Both managers' shakes hand and Sir Alex Ferguson congratulated his S
cottish counterpart, and truly adimits the match was for Everton, since they hit the equaliser.
Here's some from SAF (Taken from
"We were well beaten; it's as simple as that. Maybe we left something in Milan, there certainly looked to be a lot of tiredness in the team. But we're going for a championship and we expect Manchester United to respond to the importance of the game. The players had all been bouncing in the week, but there's a small possibility that we left something in Milan. Certainly, we looked really tired. The real effect came in the second half, we were second best to everything. We started the game well enough, but you don't want to lose a goal so quickly after taking the lead, and Everton's goal galvanised them and gave them som
e incentive. In the second half they were the better team, it's as simple as that".
However, a positive comments about the prospect of Man Utd retain the title was again been said by the manager.
"I'm disappointed, and of course the players are disappointed. They play for Manchester United and don't like losing. We've been doing that [responding] for a long time, so I don't expect a problem that way. It's a bad result for us at this time of the year. You can't afford results like that. We hope others drop points, and that's the way the league has been this season. Hopefully it turns out right again, but I don't think we'll panic."
As for Everton's Manager, his interview was a mix of fun yet positiv
e or positive yet fun, or... Whatever... (LOL and quotes taken from
"We can start looking upwards a bit more than downwards. This was always going to be a tricky month and we have started it pretty well. It was a great result and you don't beat the big teams that often so we are delighted. I have said for a while on our day we can be a match for the teams above.
"I told (Landon Donovan) most of the players in England play with flu four or five times a year. If you are from Los Angeles you probably don't know what flu is! I think Landon would like to stay but at the moment it probably looks as if not. I wouldn't want to have any disrespect to his club or the contract he has over there."
So that's it.
Next match for Man Utd is West ham, fresh from their win against Hull (3-0), home. The match is telecasted and it's on Wednesday 4 am (Local time). SO bets of luck there Reds!
Any feedbacks are welcome. So have a nice day and Assalamualaikum.
February 19, 2010
Busy-ness March!
Oh man.. My schedule's totally crammed up. I'd have a full day classes for 3 weeks max (dunno if it's a straight one) starting March.
Talking about March, I'll have to seat for tons of exams there. The Mid-Terms, which have all four of my subjects, all in mutliple choice.
Prior to that, I'd have my motorbike driving test on 4th of March and car driving test on 12 March, unconfirmed. Talk about busy-ness, the test were dated on weekdays if I'm not mistaken.
So my only rest period would be the weekends, but there's a catch, not ALL of weekends in March. I repeat, I have LESS weekends in MARCH!!!
So yeah.... But, I hope I can see it through and performed. I'm not that kind of guy who lie down and die no...
Anxiety began to filling me and staying in positive, I can't wait to taste them.
Bring it on!!!
February 13, 2010
Countdown to 14 Feb
Assalamualaikum and good day guys.
It's already the end of 2nd week of February and tomorrow will be the day of... Chinese New Year and V'day! Weeee~~~!
Ok ok. Sadly I don't and won't celebrate V'day like "you" but I have more important agenda on that day. That is, a friend's birthday.
Yeah. Well, I'd let you know some about her. Some.. Yeah. Some. =P
I met her for the first time waaaaaaay back in the kinder garden years so I was like 4 years old then. Since then, we became friend.
I then realised she lived in the apartment next to mine, and I may not often went to her house, nor she went to mine but we used to meet or bumped each other nearby the shop-houses which separate our apartments.
After kinder garden, we both went to the same primary school and spent a good time there for 6 years. However, I started in different class from her, but we used to walk back home together. Even so, I seldom had lunch with her, since I was with my boys. Well, boys always be boys before then. xP
Speaking of together... I used to walk back home with her. My mother would accompany us, and she's happy with her presence. Thus the bonding starts there.
Thorough the six years, I started to have some 'gushy2' feeling towards her. Day by day she became more beautiful and yes, puppy love struck.
But, it's more to one sided since she haven't got a clue of what's happening. I won't say she ignored me, but we both had some spell of time of togetherness.
It's a fact that she's smarter than me, and she excelled thorough the course and scored every finals with flying color. Even the teacher listed her as an 'A' grade student. Well, I'm not that far from her though. (Don't count me out!)
After the primary school, I went to Victoria Institution (V.I) and I have no whereabouts of her going to what school then until I met her wearing Convent Bukit Nenas emblem. So I was like "CBN? Wowzers..." since CBN could consider as 'hotness / fancy / girlish school evah'. Yeah.. Most of my seniors could went gaga over the girls there, and even students from our rival school, the St. John.
Okay. back tot he topic.
Though we went separated but we still keep in touch. After the long 5 years of spell in V.I, it's college time. Again, I don't know here whereabouts.... Until I called her upon her... 18th birthday? I think it was in text, but meh, never mind...
Things went okay. She's doing fine with her course and same goes to me.
Time moving on so fast and it's her 19th birthday yet again and like always, I text-ed her, getting to know what both of us were up to. Of course I've finished my diploma then and she's finished with her matrix, and going for degree, I think? She'd began her degree by now...
Oh well. We meet each other in one occasion, that is my primary school reunion (So much for a reunion... End up only 4 of us attend... XP) and it's o Christmas. Yeah. I got photos of her and the guys in my Facebook. Log in!
And until now, we're much keep in touch with each other via Facebook. Yeah, I guess that's all...?
I know what you might thinking and sadly no. She's not my girlfriend. I can only describe her, as my friend. That's all. (Crush! Crush! Crush!)
That's 14th of February for me, and to all my Chinese friends, I wishing you all Happy Chinese New Year. May the year of the Tiger bring blessing to all of you and may God bless all of you as well. Live long in prosper. :)
Thanks for the time and I hope you guys will enjoy the holiday.
Assalamualaikum and may God be with you. :)
January 12, 2010
2nd Week of 2010
It's already just the second week of 2010, but lately the news weren't something to be amused much. Why? From here to there, conflicts and suffering headlines every news in Malaysia.
From religious conflicts, to death by inhuman murderers, this country seemed 'troubled'.
Is everyone today going loco?
I wish, and urge my friends to not do anything stupid. Please be careful and please don't create any trouble that only justify of what you think you were right. Please think before doing anything, and I mean anything.
Okay, tomorrow's gonna be a pretty tight day for me, and yes, the Convocation will be on this coming Thursday, and I can't wait to be there.
Thanks yo guys for supporting me, but really, I would hardly be like I am right now if it wren't you all to be by my back.
May God blesses all of you, my friends.
Take care.
Assalamualaikum and have a nice day.
January 7, 2010
2010 started with a yay!
What a New year I'm having at the moment. My first month of 2010 started with me gettin' the L licence. That's an achievement for me personally.
Albeit I almost flunked in the first part of the test, i barely passed it and my eye sight still not turn me down. Thank God, I've been blessed so much.
And on going to next part, part 2 and part 3 where I'll have two series of riding test. The practices for it were 8 hours approximately and minimally I think, and in one month time (next week ) I can seat for the final tests of part 2 and part 3.
Wish me luck!
Alright, another great moments I'll have is my Convocation Day! Yes. On 14th of January I'll be in a convo for my LCCI Diploma. Man I'm so looking forward to that day. I'm so excited that I wanted to go for a bungee jumping! Weeee~~~!!!
Well, that's all. Keep in touch you guys, alright? May God bless all of you.
Assalamualaikum and Happy New Year!