March 13, 2007


(due to the blackout, I couldn't post this yesterday.)

Knowing I will face the reality check where I'll take my SPM result, I've prepared myself for any unexpected outcomes, either excellent or worst, it won't bugged me. Thanks Faris for waking me up in the morning. He called me early, around 7.30 a.m and asked me; "Where the hell are you?" I said I'm still at my house, just waking up from my sleep. How about you? He already at school he said, and perhaps he's the first person to arrive at school. No time to waste, I took my bath, dressed and went straight to school by bus.

As I arrive at Masjid Jamek station, Faris called me, telling me that he's bored waiting at the school. So we decide to met at Excel Cybercafe, waits until the clock shows 10 o'clock when the result are released. There, me and Faris just surfing the net and play some games, until 10 a.m. Thus we make our move to V.I.

We arrived at school around 10.30 a.m. Thought we're late because we saw peoples walked out from school, holding a file. We rush to the main hall. Hundreds of examination's nominees were waiting, anxiously, restless, to get their hands at the result. Me and Faris lined up and waiting for our turn. I got the slip first and thank god, I passed the exam even I failed one subject. I've expect worst but thank god again I got an A. Meanwhile, Faris were give 4 A's, 4 B's and 2 C's and he's grateful for that. After receiving some testimonials, the teacher in charge ordered us to take our School Resignation certificate at the office. So then upstairs we go but on our way there to the steps, I've bump with teacher Ben Ong and Li Shia along John Siao, my former classmate. They asked me how was my result. I explained to them that I just manage to get an A only, but failed a subject. Ben advised " Never mind, as long you think you've done enough, it's okay and by the way, you didn't have any regrets on it right?" Yup, I think it's all alright then. Li Shia gave me some encouragement and also Ben before I leave them both with John. I rejoin with Faris and walked in to the office to take the certificate. The cue are so long and it took us half an hour to wait for our turn. Finish signing the certificate, me, Faris, and the rest of the students who signed it are officially have ended their school days as a student there.

On our way back, Syed Adeeb, my colleague from the band, catch with us. He also going back by LRT, but want to walked straight to P.S Station without using Star LRT to transport him there. Faris uses Star LRT to go back home, so we wave farewell to him after congratulate him and wish him the best of luck towards his future. So it left me with Adeeb. On the way there, Adeeb stating hat he's rebuffed on his result. He said that he scored before in the trials because SPM trial's examination are much harder than the real exam, but that's what the people says. I tried to cheer him up, well, I did cheer him up at least buy lending my phone to him so he can make several call about his result. I buy some snacks but still, he refuse to took my offer. Still in depress, I had to open a topic of conversation with him. So I asked him what to do next? He want to study politics and became a politician, (not what I have in mind) and saying "to be a politician is easier." (I doubt it so much ,Adeeb) After we bought our tickets, I could stayed with him until he's train emerge. (Adeeb are on route to Kelana Jaya while I took a train in Terminal Putra's route) Even my train arrived, still I want to be besides Adeeb, cheering him up, but he wanted to be alone so he can sought his own frustration easily. Ok then, suite yourselves Adeeb. I wont mind it. So I left Adeeb at the train and as I watching him from the train window I only could wish him of luck next time.

On my way to my house, I received a mount of sms and calls from my friends and colleague as well. My best friend Kamal, whom already in college, scores 2 A's. (Congrats man, I know you deserve it) My GFs, (girl+friends=girlfriends, ('_'!) well, they'd pass but not in flying colors, as they predicted (lol!) I received compliments from them (my friends) and my family also.

Kebi,28,my closest cousin in my father's family, called me. It's been a while since we have a conversation together. So she wants to know about my result thus I said to her the same thing I said to everybody. "Good job and try harder next time okay?" That's exactly what I wanted people to say to me. Thank you Kebi. Oh, she also want to met me today, in evening. Fine, I'll meet you at Cheras later. I arrives home at 2 p.m and straight showing my papers to my mother. A compliment is enough for me but mother advice me to study harder next time and be focused on my targets. After a while, I took my nap until 5 p.m.

My alarm is ringing, signaling my date with my Kebi(yup, she's so special for me and I love her so much!) I take my bath and get well dressed this time. I leave home but before I walked out the door, mother's friend, Mak Cik Wan was in front of the door. So I opened the door, and let her enters house and I called my mother out. " Mom, your friend is here!" Then I make my leave. It was shower outside but it wont bugged me.

So I've met Kebi. at Cheras. We had talk and talk and she said that she are now in " hot market zone" in her business. ( selling products okay? not "that" (=_=!) She introduced me to her company's latest product, Double X, a multivitamin which include tons of beneficial for body to consume with. After a while, we had dinner at nearby restaurant and she's buying.(^_^) Thanks! Friends of her also present there and they'd congratulate me as well. Thanks a lot you guys. We hang around at the restaurant until midnight. She sent me home and again we chat. She teach me how to do business and selling products (actually I'm now working with her in her business) effective and efficiently. On my way there, I noticed the light post from the Setiawangsa Highway were off and it's so dark there. As we arrived at my neighborhood, its clear that the whole Setiawangsa blocks are blackout. Wow, this is the first time it happened since I move in here. Anyway she manage to sent me home and drop me off just a front of my block. I gave her a good bye kiss as I make my leave and waving her also while Kebi make a u-turn and make her exits to her house.

The block are totally blackout, excepts the floor and elevator's light. So I arrive at my house an open my door. "OMG! It's so dark here" I whispered. I had to use my phone's light to see the room. Only mom were sleeping in my parents bed. So I called dad to know where's he now. He's just arrived home and he know that the whole block were completely blackout. There's nothing for me to do then, so I sleep and hopes tomorrow (today) would be better than today (yesterday).

quotes of the day,

"Hey congrats man!"

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