March 19, 2007

Love is complicated (Part one) Chapter One

Love Is Complicated (Part One)

Chapter one

Its Sunday, and the Saitame family gathers on front of their house.
"Promise me you'll take care of your sister, Taichi and keep the house clean okay? I don't want my house were messed up when we return home. If you do, no more football lesson okay?"
Mr and Mrs Saitame are going for holiday at Hawaii, leaving their children here and told their son, Taichi to took a good care of Yuri and the house. A cab just arrived there, thus the Saitame upload their bags and stuffs in to the cab's bonnet.
"Yuri, please call Suzika, telling her that we're gonna come to her house late. We had to clean up the house first then we'll go to Suzika's place, okay?"
"No sweat bro! Call me if you need me, I'll be in my room." replies Yuri.
So then the house is cleaned up by those two, every single edge and every each angle in rooms, toilets, and the house's yard. While Taichi busy with taking out disposals, Yuri packs her back and Taichi's and double checked both the bags, just in case.
"Yuri, are you done with the bags?"
"Yup! We are ready to go!"
"Good! Now, ready the water for us to bath okay, sweety."
"Oh brother, don't praise me like that" Yuri's face turns red.
"Ok then, tomboy...."
Yuri went to the bathroom, filled the tub with hot water.
"I'll bath first okay?"
Taichi heard Yuri, and let her take her bath first. Taichi carries the disposal bags and put it into garbage can. Suddenly, a friend of his appear. His name is Iori, his schoolmate and also, his senior in Kushiro High School. Iori told Taichi about the school football team future planning and need some opinion on that because Taichi is currently the school team's captain.
"Pre-season training starts in two weeks time?" asked Taichi.
"Its what the coaches said. They want the team to be ready as early as they can. Also, to expose some of junior players with matches. So what's your thought on these plans?"
Taichi agrees and hope the juniors can make some performance during next season's competition. Taichi was playing on those level before, but with lacking of experience, the team can't make it to the final, instead they were knocked out from the tournament in quarter-final. After some discussions, Iori make his leave and then he noticed something.
"Hey Taichi, what's with your hair? Have you been colored your hair lately? The teachers would think you're a bad boy if you come back school with that hairstyle."
"Huh?" Taichi place his palm on his hair and suddenly he screamed,"What the hell?!!"

"Hurry up Taichi! Why did you take so long time to bath? What are you doing inside exactly Taichi?(giggles)"
"Don't worry, I'm just finishing washing my hair. Here, take a look." Taichi slides the bathroom's door open and walks out from there. Odd, Taichi's hair got some paint on it, wonder why? Yuri burst into laughter. "Got 'cha! Ha ha ha! I put some paint in your cap yesterday while you carrying me yesterday. Ha ha ha!"
Embarrassed, Taichi makes his move to his room and still Yuri just couldn't stop laughing about Taichi's hair. Anyway, Taichi used to her sister's pranks and by the way, she's only a child and just want to have fun with his beloved brother, so Taichi wouldn't mind it.
After locking the doors and windows, they then walks to the house gate. Taichi locks it with chains and a big metal lock. Taichi and Yuri began to walk towards Suzika's residence.

Suzika's stares outside from her window besides her bed.
"There they come." she said softly and walks out to the house door. The maids are already stand by at the door to welcomes their guest. A ring bells, signaling the Saitame are already at the mansion's gate.
"Open it." The gate were opened and the Saitame walks into the house through the mansion's garden.
"Wow, the statues are gone completely. I wonder why?" Yuri asked her brother.
Taichi didn't answering her question, as Taichi don't have any clues about it. Then finally, they have reached the mansion's front door.
"Welcome Mr and Mrs Saitame." Yuri and Taichi was greeted by the maids along with Suzika herself. Yuri give Suzika a warm hug and so did Taichi.
"I'll show your room ,my friend. Please follow me."
"Do you have to say that again and again? It like the 50th time I heard that."
"Yuri, don't be rude. It's just their way to welcoming the guest."
"Hmph...." Yuri wraps her hand and just ignoring what Taichi told her before.
"I don't mind it. To tell the truth, I'm also tired with this practice. Anyway, we have arrived." Suzika opens the door and invites them in. The room have two beds and accommodate with a television, study desk and also, the room have a balcony and view was awesome. They can see the beach from the balcony.

"Would you come for a tea?" Suzika inviting them for tea in the garden.
"Sound nice, brother, you coming?"
"Right behind you."
They walk to the garden. A small bench placed underneath a yellow maple tree. They would have a tea there. Along with them ,a maid who carries a tray with cups and tea on it.
"Suzika, I haven't seen your father anywhere. Where did he go out to?" Taichi asked Suzika.
"Oh, he's just checking my schedule for my return to my homeland, Manchester in England."
Yuri puts her tea down.
"You mean, you'll leave us? But why?"
"I have to go back to England. I've never been there before as my origin are based there. Even though I tried to talk with father, but he insist me to go back to England. I just could not neglect his wishes. So I had to agree with him. Of course, I'll be missing you guys a lot. You all are my best friend I ever had and ever will be."
Smiles appear in everybody faces.
"Maybe that's why she invites us here to spent some good time together, Yuri."
Yuri nodded.

After a while, it was dinner. The table were already filled with meals and deserts. At the front of the table, there's where Mr.Kusanagi be sitting. Yuri sits besides Suzika while Taichi sat on the left side of Mr.Kusanagi. Mr.Kusanagi then letting the kids having their dinner first, then Mr.Kusanagi joins them.

"So Mr.Saitame, how's your school?" Asked Mr.Kusanagi.
"Well, it went well until the last day before the break. I've been chased by senior girl students where they are on their last year in school. I'm among the popular student in my school and also most good looking (smiling) student there and I've been chased by girls from the start until the school hours ends. I ended up hiding on the school's rooftop."
"Ha ha, I see. Perhaps your popularity have been spread widely in this island Mr.Saitame." Mr.Kusanagi then turns his attention towards his daughter and smiles at her. Suzika bows her head down and feel a bit embarrassed, while thinking that his father have a point there. After finishing the meals, they start eating up the deserts. The girls enjoy it much but pity for Taichi because he can't consume any deserts for while. He would suffered a toothache when he eats some cold and creamy deserts. So he just serves himself with a bottle of strawberry juices along with Mr.Kusanagi.
"Please, just call me Taichi."
"Well, Taichi. If you finished studying in high school,what would you do next?
"I want to continue my study in Tokyo University until I got a job as an accountant in Tokyo."
"It's a very big ambition you have. I hope you'll succeed on your future."

After they finished their deserts, Mr.Kusanagi accompanied his guest to the living hall.
"I want to welcome all of you to my mansion and please, make your self at home my friends." Mr.Kusanagi still continue his speech.
"For your information, Suzika, my only and most beloved daughter, will return to England next month. There, she will be living with her aunt and learn more about our origin in England."
Mr.Kusanagi tells his guest about his family tree and how they migrate from England to Hokkaido, Japan. Before he finished his speech, he wants everyone to know that he'll be gone off to U.S.A for some business work, tomorrow morning. That's mean, only Taichi, Yuri, Suzika and the rest of the maids will be left out here.
"No no. I wont be comeback here after my travel to the States. I sold this mansion to the government landlord and in two days time, these house are completely sold. All of my furnitures and closet in this mansion will be transfered straight to England. I have told the maids to clean up all the room here and packs their stuffs. After I send them their paycheck, there are officially unemployed servants and free to go anywhere they wanted. Usually, they would return to their home or to their parents."
"Wow!", that's the only word can Taichi describes Mr.Kusanagi's generosity. He will payed his maids and freed them, so they can go anywhere they like.
"Your dad is a very good father. You should be proud of him!" says Yuri.
"Of course." Suzika then holds Yuri hands.
"But then I'll be leaving you soon."
"And we'll missing you too." Yuri hugs her best friend. Later, Suzika make her leave towards her room.

In the guest room, after finished his bath, Taichi opens his bag case on pull out a laptop after he took out some cloth to wear on. He added his laptop with a web cam and microphone thus he connect to the internet. Yuri just return from the kitchen while holding a tray with milk and glasses on it, enters the room and then she puts the tray on a table. Yuri than jumps up to his brother bed and wrap her hands on Taichi's shoulder.
"C'mon bro. I can't see a thing. Please lower your head so I can also see mom and dad!"
After a while, they'd connected with their parents online. They have chats and Taichi tells them about Mr.Kusanagi's departure to England tomorrow. The Saitame have their conversation until midnight. Feel sleepy, Taichi decide to ends the conversation but Yuri have already asleep on his bed. Mr.Saitame reminds him to continue look for his sister and he would invites Suzika to stay over in his house if his parents allows.
"Go ahead. I won't mind. Besides, you can spent time together until she leaves to England right? You guys can show her what we usually do in family as she always does it towards both of you when you're in her house."
Taichi nodded.
Later, he goes to sleep and leaves the laptop on in stand by mode. He kissed his little sister before goes to sleep, just right beside her. Luckily the bed is big enough to place two people on it. "Sweet dreams!" Then Taichi switched off the light. Their sleep was accompanied with sweet sound of insects and waves from the balcony. A fine wind blows to complete their lullaby as they experiencing a gentle sleep. The mansion were silence and lights switch off one by one until the last light are off then everyone goes to sleep.

end of chapter one.

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