March 16, 2007

I'm cleanin' the house UP (^.^)*

(Well, another day of bored supremacy... I don't have any interesting activities to do,(due the sprained ankle I received on the last day, remember?) so I've ended up cleaning my room....)

6.30 a.m:
RING!!!! (Slam!) Oh, I thought I busted my alarm clock (lol!), again! (lol!) (Never mind..... I can buy a new one instead) Crap, my ankle still hurts.......

I saw an image a front of me. Looks like an angel from heaven! (Oh! God send me an angle to rescue me from my mise...)

"Khalidi! Wake up you fool! You'll be late for your soccer practice!"

Oh, It just my mom.....

7.30 a.m:

I had to postponed my practice until my ankle are recovered well. I can see bruise on the side of my ankle. Not to serious I guess, but still I need time to recover. Still wondering, how can a tough guy like me get sprained his ankle easily? I know that I tripped my self down in to the toilet bowl yesterday but, (long paused) Uh um, well everybody does mistake right? Next!

10.30 a.m: (Finished my breakfast and bath, and this time, I didn't tripped!)

My only objective of the day is simple. Three word, clean, up the room. Well, thats what I said. Moving on, first I'm wiping the windows in my room. Before I start wiping, I make a little swipe on my window glass. Man it's so dusty, like I haven't wipe it for years (do I?) The scary dust accidentally flew inside my nose, and the horror starts; "Ahchoo! Ahchoo! Ahchoo! Oh God... Ahchoo! Ahchoo! Ahchoo! This goin to be a record I guess! Ahchoo! Ahcoooeeew!" 8 blow on first the first try. Not bad.... (My official record is 10, back when I was in primary school.) After washing my face off, I continue my work and this time I cover my face.

11.00 a.m: (Still wiping)

Still wiping my windows. (Hey, it's not easy as you think okay? I lived in a Flat and I'm on the 15th floor okay?) While wiping, a group of girls caught my attention. They having a netball practice. Ooh, lucky me ^_^!

Later on noon, when I just finished wiping my window, my phone rings. "Hello who's this?" Nobody answering. Must be some pranks so I ended the call. Minutes after, the phone ring again, I answered but still nobody there. I checked the number, well, this is odd, the screen displayed nothing. Hmmm... mysterious call eh? Ahh... just leave it there.

After finishing my current activities, my mom called me on phone;

Mom : Hey there, how's thing goin'?
Me : So far it's ok.
Mom : I c, well I want to do some extra work.
Me : (sweat) Uh, ok....
Mom : I want you to
1) Wash the dishes at sink (uh uh)
2) Buy the newspaper (yes)
3) Clean the living hall (ah!)
4) Wipe every windows in house ( err...)
5) Buy some vegetables. I left the list on your table If not mistaken (mom....)
6) Wash dad's motorcycle (well...)
7) Filled up the form (I think..)
8) Buy or cook your own lunch (huh?)
9) Repair the PC will ya? (What!!!)

Me : Uh, ok. Fine, I'll do it.
Mom : Good, I know you can do it. Mom out.
Me : ~Good, I know you can do it~ Oh God! Please help this innocent boy please!!!

4.00 p.m: (I'm half past dead and now I'm doing the last objective (+_+!))

The PC wasn't work properly. Some lags and malfunctioning in programs so some process were unload. So I had to check the CPU and reboot the system again and again until the PC speed are back to normal. At last, I've complete all the task I'd given except for no 8. I buy my self lunch later. ha ha!

After taking my bath and clean my self up, I took a quick nap when suddenly somebody called me. "Yeah Hello? Who's there?" again nobody answering. I checked the screen, oh..... sms messages. (sigh)

-You received new message(s)-

It's from Faliq, a friend of Faiz. He says that there will be a futsal tournament in two weeks. He just wanna know if I'm available. And the other message are from my, eh.....(^_^!) ehem. Private only. Anyway, back to sleep!

8.30 p.m: (zzz ... zzz ... zzz ... huh what?)

Bang! I felt like something knocks my head. "Ouch, thats...hurts?" I noticed that it was I falling off from my bed. My sheets were messed up like I have a "rough" sleep, I guess. Anyway, it's time for my dinner.

My parent was busy checking some bills until I called them for dinner. While having dinner, mom gave some compliment to me. Well yeah? I work a lot today, thanks mom. "I'll raise your allowance until next week" I raised my eyebrow. "What's wrong? Not enough?" "No, you see, I don't deserve the credit in that kind of ways. The least I wanted is a compliment only. Thanks anyway" After I told mom that, I can read her mind by watching her. She'd probably said "Such a beautiful son I have" Yup, that's what her think on me.

11.00 p.m: (On-line time!!!)

ooh, I got e-mail(s) -scrolling- (Anime Pics, download this, download that, Friendster messages, nah.... nothing interesting. Wait, hold on, oh! My friend's birthday is near. Happy birthday mate! Then I received another mail. Hot anime pics xx...) Er I think you don't want to read it... he he (^_^!) Next!!!

11.15 p.m: (After deleting some "not so important" mail)

I rewed my blogs (Friendster, Myspace) and then I worked on this blog, until I post this. Damn, suddenly my network are lagged again. (So much for repairing)

quote of the day:

"Good, I know you can do it"

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