March 15, 2007

I was sick (=_=!)

(man, I was so sick yesterday. I catch cold in morning(yesterday) and it lasted until today. Still I can feel the chill inside me. (Ah, achoo!) Uh, sorry about that. (ah, achoo!) Gomen.... (Achoo!) Oh God!...)

Today (yesterday) I received the cold just after I woke up in the morning. I felt cold and my head felt lighter than before. Oh god, only He knows how much suffering I had suffered. In the mean time, Mom just back home and she have brought me a form for MARA intake. Ooh, good! Just what I wanted before.(Back in school, I forgot to apply for the form.Its a matriculation form, an easy ticket to apply for any collages or universities via government facilities in Malaysia.) But then, I'll just leaved it in my room until I filled the form later.

After breakfast, I decide to have a quick nap until noon. Then me and mom, again going out to watch Mukhsin but this time we're going to Suria KLCC. We arrived there around 2 o'clock in noon and thus went to the elevator, straight to TGV (Tanjung Golden Village) cinema's counter to buy the tickets but the cue are still long. We had to wait for 15 minutes until its our turn. Finally, we bought the ticket and our show started at 5.20 p.m.

So, we've likely 2 hours to spare so we take this chance to take our lunch. We ate at McDonald's restaurant and both of us were eating the spicy fold over meal. After finished our meal, we still have an hour until our show started. We just walk around the complex just checking out some cool stuff. So we ended up at Sony store. At the display desk, I saw a model of PS3 (finally!) but not for sale yet. (sigh) The screen demo plays Ridge Racer 7 game and their animation and graphics make me drooling by just watching it. (the latest graphic engine were installed in side PS3 along with other up-to-dates softwares) I sprained my ankle so I had to sit for a while there. Time flies by, it's already 5, so we rush back to the cinema.

We sit in the second row front. We thought we're gonna sprained our neck this time, but luckily, the view from there wasn't bad at all. The movie have won several awards on overseas picture and was announce as Grand Prize winner by juries in 57th Berlin International Film. The movie is great but the twist of the story were unpredictable. A clip before the credits shows that (on my opinion) the story of Orked is finished. ( The story follow up with Sepet and Gubra storyline which the continuous story of Orked) I'll give the movie 4/5 credit.

Back home, my cold were getting worse. Now I can see properly and my head feels like there's a brick inside my head. After I take my bath and clean my self up, I went to bed and goes to sleep straight away and didn't even eat my dinner and some aspirin.

quote of the day:

"That so lame..."

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