March 22, 2007

Love is complicated (Part one) Chapter Three

Love is complicated (Part One)

Chapter Three

The clocks alarm starts ringing precisely at 8.00 a.m. The loud ring from the clock urges Suzika to waking up. Still sleepy, she noticed Yuri wasn't beside her. Sleepy Suzika turns right and switch off the alarm. On the mean time, she noticed a note underneath it. It was from Yuri. In the note, she told Suzika to wait her home until she return, before six in the evening. Later, she would suggest Suzika to prepare dinner with her for everybody. At the end of the note, she wrote this:

"p/s: Oh by the way Suzika-chan, I love you too..."

Suzika faces was smiling and happy for Yuri who accepted her as 'best friend forever'. After a while, Taichi came knocking the room's door.

"Hey, you there Suzika? Please hurry up, your breakfast are getting cold."

Suzika acknowledge the message. Thus she move to the toilet to wash her face and clean her self up. Then, she goes downstairs and towards the dining table. Upon Suzika sits there, she was surprised.

"Yuri specially made for you. She wakes up early today and she have an enough time to made this."

It was rice, with nori, raw egg and grilled fish with a note, 'sorry if the food wasn't nice'. Suzika don't mind whether the breakfast is good or not. As long Yuri made it herself, she's appreciate her effort and loves it very much. While eating the breakfast, Taichi told her that he's going out to his uncle's bakery shop in Tokyo to help him. He suggest Suzika to stay put in home and watch over the house and the cloths outside, in case of raining, she can puts them inside the house. Taichi also told her that he's probably back home late but he will be there before dinner. Taichi walks out from the door while Suzika accompanied her to the door. Before he left house he turns back towards Suzika.

"Er, Suzika, I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Well, seems you don't have any plan tomorrow, would you go out with me?"
Suzika thinks deeply, checks whether she got any plan for tomorrow. No plans. She have no plans for tomorrow. Smiling, she replies to Taichi.
"Yes. I can go out with you. But how about Yuri-chan?"
"She have an appointment with Mrs. Kazami regarding her experiments. Yuri is currently Mrs. Kazami's student assistance and she have to helps her teacher out."
"Oh, I see. Okay, we'll go out tomorrow. Uh, by the way, could I use your computer for a while?"
Taichi nodded, means he allows Suzika to use it. Later, he's on his bike and waved at her. Suzika replies.
"Ride carefully ok?" says Suzika as Taichi rides his bike away until he's gone from Suzika's view. She then closed the gates and walks back to the house. After cleaning the dishes, she take her bath upstairs in Yuri's room. While bathing, she was wondering about Yuri helping Mrs. Kazami today. She worries that Mrs. Kazami would telling her all about her relationship with Taichi before they split up, due some argument between them.

It happens five years ago, where Taichi and Suzika were in the same school. That time, Suzika was only twelve and and Taichi is thirteen. In school, Suzika was a shy girl, not many student were close to her. Her life changes in one particular day. She was late for school and her father was already left to work. Panic, she quickly clean her self up, dressed, grab her bag and manage to take a slice of bread downstairs. Knowing she wasn't a quick runner, her hopes to reach the school in time was to late. Then, Taichi and his bike cycling besides her and passed her. Taichi saw Suzika gasping while running to the school. Pity, he offers her a ride with him. Perhaps she's not going to be late for school and quickly jumps on Taichi's bike.
"Ready girl? Hold me tight okay or you'll ended up falling! Here we go!"
Before Suzika could thanked him, Taichi starts pedaling the bike fast, so fast even he can surpassed a car, across the road. Suzika was frightened by Taichi's way of handling the bike, and hopes Taichi won't crashed on to objects. The most frighted maneuver, done expertly by Taichi where he took a short cut towards the school by riding the bike downhill from the original route to the school. Suddenly, Taichi sarcastically says this to her;
"Hey girl, you wouldn't mind if we jumps off over a cliff?"
Later, at the end of the path, she saw a condemned concreted bridge splits between two hills and a rapid river with sharp stones just bellow the bridge. Taichi pedaled quickly and told Suzika to hang on and pray they'll be safe. The two rush towards the bridge and they jumped over the bridge. Finally, they successfully landed on the other side of the hill and Taichi still continued pedaling.
"Ha ha, isn't this fun?" Taichi turns back to take a look towards the girl. Sadly, the girl was crying and she was frightened. The only thing that she wanted is just reach the school, but not in this way. Minutes after, they reached the school. Suzika jumps off the bike and refuse to speak with Taichi even though Taichi was going to apologize to her. She rushed to her class knowing she's minutes late. She opens the door, and get greet by her teacher, Mrs. Kazami.
"You're late. In fact, you're the first one to be late this year." said Mrs. Kazami.
Suzika apologize to her but she had to serve the penalty. Suzika was ordered to stay at outside of class until the current period is over. While she serving the penalty, Taichi surprisingly greets her. Still mad for what Taichi done to her, she ignores Taichi.
"Never mind. Seems you won't talking to me, I talked to you instead. My name is Taichi. You're Suzika right?"
Surprised, how can Taichi know her name without asking her first, but then, Suzika still refuse to talk with Taichi.
"Perhaps Yuri was right, you are shy, and also cute though. Hi hi!"
Suddenly, Suzika opens her mouth.
"Wait, you know Yuri?"
"What? I'm his brother you fool!"
Suzika finally meet Yuri's brother and never wondered that her brother was the exact person who standing right before her eyes. Moments after, Mrs. Kazami opens the door to call Suzika in, thus Taichi make his exit by running away from her.
"Who's that?" Mrs. Kazami asked Suzika.
Somehow, Suzika forgot to ask his name but she knew the family name because Yuri was related to him.
"Its Mr. Saitame from class..."
"Yeah I know him. He's new here and have cause some trouble here in school. I will told him to come see me in the office after school and you also little missy. I just want your explanation regarding your latency today. For your information, you're the very first pupil I thought who came late to class you know."
A feel of guilt present inside her heart. Probably Mrs. Kazami's record of 100% class attendance-without latency-streak came to end because of her.

Later in the evening, the students were all going back home, except Suzika and Taichi. First, Suzika came to the office, but Taichi was nowhere to be seen. She enters the office and meet up with Mrs. Kazami who wait for her arrival. Mrs. Kazami let her sits on one of the teacher's chair and slowly, asked Suzuki to tell her, what happened in the morning and what cause her to be late. Suzika explains her everything, including how Taichi got her here by using the short cuts and the bridge, the river, everything that she could remember. Adding to their conversation, she was really sorry for causing trouble towards Mrs. Kazami.
"I'm totally sorry Mrs. Kazami. I've disappointed you just because I was late. Please forgives me Mrs. Kazami." One of the reason for Suzika to be known for is she's just too sensitives. She can easily cried even if she fall in to ground if been accidentally knocked by other students. Luckily Mrs. Kazami was the closest teacher towards her in the school. She let Suzika to cry on her lap.
"Cry honey cry. Let go of your grieved Suzika. It's okay, I won't mind if my record were ended. "
So much for the Excellence Teacher awards she thought. Later, she wipes Suzika's tears and tell her to go back home safely. Mrs. Kazami promise not to bring this matter to the other teachers as she promised to her student. Suzika left the office and Taichi was just right behind her and he enters the office. Realize she left something on the teacher's desk she returned back and she saw Taichi was given a scolding by Mrs. Kazami. Suzika stands behind the door and just wacthing their conversations through the door's window. But then, a word from Taichi's explanation really touched Suzika's heart.
"I know what I did was wrong. Scaring that girl like that. But so, its my wish to help her. I saw her gasping while she's on the way here. I just don't want her to be late that's all, an in fact, she's in your class. I know how much you wanted a clean student's attendance, so I helped her to reach school as soon as possible. But still, we couldn't make it, don't we Suzika?"
Somehow, Taichi feels Suzika's present right at the door. Mrs. Kazami told her to come in. She came in, with a guilt face on her, Suzika stands on front of Taichi.
"Taichi, I'm sorry to accuse you for being rude to me. I 'd never thought that..."
"It's okay." Taichi offers his hand. "By the way, I'm Taichi Saitame, 13 years old."
"I'm Suzika Kusanagi, 12 years old. Nice to meet you."
The couple seems have sought their problems as Mrs. Kazami accompanied them towards the school's gate. Since then, their relationship began until one day, they decide to split. The reason, is because Suzika couldn't stands Taichi's childish behavior. So on one night, Taichi brought Suzika to the condemned bridge, the place where she and Taichi first always hang out at in those years of relationships. He wanted explanation from her.
"Exactly what I must do to make you happy Suzika?"
Suzika turn her attention to Taichi.
"I want you" she began to walk closely towards Taichi. "to change!" later she faces Taichi face to face. "Your Attitude!!!"
"Fine. I will. Until then, we're over."
Suzika just can't believe what she'd done. She was able to speak out for what she think right and say it loud for the very first time. These change of attitude of these two remain until now, as Taichi became more matured and Suzika's ability to speak out, all thanks to their relationship. Even there were not lovers anymore, they keep their relationship as friends.
"These memories, I just can't let it go. But then, it was the turning point of our life. How lucky I am."
Suzika just finished her bath and wraps her self with a towel and later she exits the room and get dressed. After that, she went to downstairs.

Later, somewhere at Kushiro, Yuri and Mrs. Kazami was conducting an experiment in her lab. The experiment was a success and they both are extremely happy with their achievement. Later, they take a rest for a while.
"Hey, Yuri. Could you come here again tomorrow? i really need your assistance for me to carry out the next experiments. Could you make it?"
Mrs.Kazami asked Yuri just before she exits her lab. Yuri nodded and agree to continue helping Mrs. Kazami.
"Alright, I'll be here tomorrow and oh, by the way Mrs. Kazami, I haven't see Mr. Kyo with you lately. I wonder where's he could be. Please send my regards to him. Thanks Mrs. Kazami." Yuri left Mrs. Kazami's lab and walk back home.

Meanwhile still at Kushiro, Yuri's brother, Taichi was working with his uncle in his bakery shop. Every Monday in every week, Taichi will came here to help his uncle and earn him some pocket money. He worked as the delivery man just because his ability to ride the bike perfectly and also a slick rider as he was some times ago. He works until 6.00 p.m, but he would back late because he wanted to buy Suzika a present for her birthday tomorrow. After receiving his monthly paycheck, he asked his uncle for an opinion.
"Uncle Kim, say if you want to buy a present for a friend, which is a girl, what kind of item you would buy for her?"
Uncle Kim thinks deeply, as he never been in love yet, but he suggest Taichi to buy her a necklace, with carved name on it.
"I see. Well, I have to make my leave. See you next week Uncle Kim, and thanks for the suggestion. I will considered it." Taichi jumps on his bike and rides towards the Kushiro Station. In his mind now, he's only thinking about his plan to reunite with his former girlfriend, Suzika, not knowing that Suzika have her crush on somebody else, which the person is related to him.

Back home, Suzika was eating watermelon and sits outside at the corridor, while surfing the net and watch over the shirts outside.
"A sunny bright day then, no worries of raining." thought Suzika. While surfing the net, she received a mounts of e-mails and instant messages from her relatives in England and friends. While busy replying the mails, her oversea friend was on-line and have a chat with her.

Khal : hi there Suzika. What'ca doin?
: hi Khal. Same old same old. Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing.
Khal : that is?
Suzika : i'm going back to england.
Khal : really? so how about Yuri and Taichi?
Suzika : thet are fine, but they'll gonna miss me so much. so bfore i'll eave them, i'm currently staying with them in their house.
Khal : i c.
Suzika : hey Khal, could I asked you something, seem you're one of my friend that understands me, I need your help to solve this problem I facing with.
Khal : tell me. i'm listening.
Suzika : You have to belive what I said okay? This is my confession.
Khal : just tell me lah~ wat? u have an affection towards Yuri isn't it?
Suzika : !!!! How you know?
Khal : Yuri told me.

For a while, Suzika was in disbelief. It's supposed to be Suzika that have the affection on Yuri, but no, it seems Yuri have the most affection on her. That statement briefly explains why Yuri starts to kissed her. It's Yuri who loved Suzika, not what Suzika had in mind.

Khal : Hey Suzika!!! You there?
Suzika : yeah, i'm still here. i quite shocked about that statements. Is it really true that Yuri actually love me?
Khal : Yes. Indeed. I was quite shocked when she confess it. Do you?
Suzika : maybe.
Khal : what you mean 'maybe'. you're living in her house for a while and she didn't confess her feelings to you? lol sure she's weird....
Suzika : actually, she did confess.
Khal : wha?
Suzika : but in different way of confess ('_^*)
Khal : ow... "that" type of confession? OMGONFIRE!!!!
Suzika : no silly...
Khal : lol
Suzika : by the way, how's Kebi been doing? is she fine?
Khal : yeah. she's been busy lately. her boss puts her on multiply works just because the company are currently lacking of people due diseases.
Suzika : what happen there?
Khal : air pollution Suzika. a very bad air pollution.
Suzika : i see. So will you come to Japan in future?
Khal : if lucky. I'll took Kebi there also. She always wanted to be in Japan, especially Tokyo.
Suzika : haha.
Khal : oh, just look at the time, I gtg. babai! soyonara!
Suzika : no. its sayonara!
Khal : what eva!

Khal was in Kushiro for a student exchange program between Japan and Malaysia. He was ordered to stay here at least a year by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia. The Kusanagi was volunteer to join the program and so Khal lived in with the Kusanagi for a year there. He make friend with Suzika during his stay there and learn a lot about the foreign culture with her. When Suzika just about to eat the last watermelon piece, Yuri returned home and sits right beside Suzika.
"So how's your day with Mrs. Kazami?" asked Suzika.
"Its have been a splendid afternoon for us two! Our experiments was successful. How about you? What have you been doing today Suzika-chan?"
"Nothing, just nothing." She didn't mentioned that Khalidi was chatting with her before and tells her about Yuri, afraid this will lead to a misunderstanding. To cover things up, she offered her the last piece of the watermelon.
"Thank you. You so kind to me."
They spent their evening under the sun chatting, and playing, until its time to prepares dinner. They went upstairs, undressed, and went bath together. A hot bath just suites them both as the temperature outside were cold.
"Suzika-chan, I have something to tell you."
Suzika raises her eyebrow, "Yeah, what's it Yuri-chan?"
"You see, to tell the truth, I just need a companion, a person who I wanted to shares my feelings. A person I can trust with, and the person is you Suzika-chan. You'll always be that person. Unlike Taichi or the rest of my friends, you'll always be in my side and ever will be. I just couldn't help it, like I was falling in love with you! Mrs. Kazami did tell me you have a relationship with Taichi and I just didn't aware of that until She told me today. So please tell me Suzika-chan, who is in your heart now?"
Yuri desperate for answers as she was in tears and the only thing she wanted from Suzika is her answer. Suzika hugs Yuri, and told her softly by her ears, "Its you who is in my heart Yuri. You are." Tears falling from Yuri's eyes. She's absolutely touched what Suzika said to her and she promise her that she will not forget anything about Suzika as long she still lives in this world, she'll never forget about her. They have been in the tub for a long time, until Yuri realize that its the time for dinner.
"Oh my gosh! The dinner!"
Quickly, the girls came out from the bath, get changed and rushed to the kitchen to prepares dinner for everyone. Smiles, laughter and the sound of knife chopping the ingredients filled the room after a moment of quite and silence, a while ago. To turn the mood up, Suzika turns on the radio and played their favorite songs. Enough to make everyone in the room smiles.

Taichi got what he wanted. He bought a locket, a beautiful locket, just for Suzika. He would put in a picture of him and Suzika together, to mark their reunion.
"Oh, Suzika gonna loves this!"
He's on the way back to Kushiro.

The girls manage to prepares the dinner before Taichi returned home. They clean up the kitchen and waits for Taichi's arrival.
"I'm home!"
Taichi arrivals were greeted by the girls like they've waited for Taichi for ages. They even accompanied him to his seat and puts out his coat, his bag, and his cap.
"Oh my, why so sudden you guys?"
The girls pulled out the cover.
"Walla! What you think about this? We called it, West meets East Cuisine!"
"Yuri and I have worked on it for hours. The dishes wasn't easy to make, but with hard work, we manage to pull it off." says Suzika.
The meal, its consist chicken soup, salmon fish with curry, and surprisingly, rice cooked with pasta.
"Is it rice with pasta adding? That's weird. Is it safe for me to eat it?"
"JUST EAT IT!!!" Yuri and Suzika urges Taichi to eat the meal.
As the girls says so, Taichi try out the rice with pasta. After a while, he nodded and admits that this meal is awesome.
"Yeah!!!" The girls like it so much. They glad Taichi loves it. Thus they have their dinner, then its time for the deserts. It's a special banana split with vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice topping.
"Wow! You guys really rocks!"
They shares the ice creams and eats it. They had fun with it too. It started when the topping is falling on Suzika's her hair. The Saitame laughed at her and later, Suzika take some of the creams and toss it towards Yuri. Yuri dodge the cream and its falls right on Taichi's faces.
"Oh, so this how its gonna be eh?" Taichi speaks with a sarcastic slang of his and began to throw the creams on his sis and Suzika. After a while, they seat down on the floor, tired after playing with the ice creams.
"That was fun!(giggles) Let's do it again!"
"You're nuts? Just look at the room. We have to clean it up afterwards." said Taichi, strictly. Indeed, they had fun, but they don't have to mess the room don't they? Taichi tells the girls to clean them selves up and later, cleans up the mess.
"Kids..... when you're gonna learn? (sigh)"

The clock shows 11.30 p.m. and the room was totally cleaned by them. The ceilings, walls and the furnitures, all are cleaned up, just like new. The girls were washing the dishes while Taichi watch a football match in the living room. After finishing the last dish, the girls tells Taichi that they are going to sleep. Both of them gives Taichi a kiss at his cheeks, and somehow, Taichi feels something is totally wrong.
"Wait, did they just kissed me?"
Confused Taichi, try to let go of this thoughts. He focused more on the screen and says " Things are just getting weirder and weirder by time goes on. I wonder why?"

Before the girls goes to sleep, Suzika told Yuri that she'll go out with Taichi for a while and hoping Yuri wont mind it.
"You wont mind if I going out with your brother tomorrow? He asked me out in the morning, before he left to his uncle's shop."
"It's okay. Even though, I have another work to do tomorrow."
"With Mrs. Kazami I presume?"
"Yup, but this is going to be our final experiments before the school starts."
"Well, you should sleep now Yuri-chan otherwise you'll wake up late."
Yuri nodded, and as usual, Yuri kiss Suzika and wish her "sweet dreams Suzika-chan" before she goes to sleep. Same with Suzika, as she kiss Yuri and wish her "sweet dreams Yuri-chan" just before she's going to sleep. Taichi was still awake, holding the locket that he bought in Tokyo and looks at the picture inside.
"Please return to me will ya? Suzie...." After a moment of silence, Taichi switch off the television, and locked the door and windows. He checked everything and before he went upstairs, he switch off the hall's light. He went to his room, checking his laptop.
"Uh, a message from dad."
Mr.Saitame just wanna know how's things going in the house and he also said that they will be back in three days and wishing his children would greet him at the airport. After replying the message, he turn on his room's fan and switch off the desk lamp.
"Sweets dream for me..." He closed his eyes and goes to sleep, hoping tomorrow's plan went on as planned. For Suzika, she only hopes that Taichi just, only just, took her out for a walk in Tokyo, not more than that. A full moon emerges from the clouds and so the stars up in the sky, shining and accompanies the Saitame and Suzika to their beauty sleep, along with musics by crickets and frogs to lullaby's them to sleep. Sweet dreams you all.

end of chapter three

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