March 14, 2007

I'm on my way !!!

(Huahahaha!!! I'm back, and today I'm one step closer to sign in to any study faculties in Malaysia. This gonna be fun! I can't wait for it!)

~Ha~(Yawning) Its Tuesday. Another day to live and faced unexpected challenge. (Bring it on!) Perhaps only positive minded people would say that eh? Right, I'm positive and I hope all of you are positive.

I woke up around 9 today and straight to PC to check news and weather forecast for K.L in case I'm going out,which I did. I had to buy my own breakfast because I'm so lazy to cook my breakfast today.

After finished eating my meal, I went back to the PC to check news again. Suddenly, father called me. He ask me to tell my uncles and aunts about my SPM results. "Ok, I'll do it then." I called my relatives and tell them about my result and like always, they would reply "congrats and try harder next time." Thank you all and for your advices, I'll keep it inside my head. At 11 a.m, my mom then called me.(she's out to class in morning) Is about my registration for any learning faculties. I took my bath after just finished adding new songs in my play list.

At 12 o'clock, I leave house and I'm going to the place where mom directed me to go to. I took a bus to go there but the traffic are jammed. It took me 30 minutes to reached there.(I eventually fall asleep in the bus (^_^!)

The place where I need to get my ID so I can register on-line were at the bank. Yup, it's in the bank. Funny isn't it? Anyway, I signed for UPU and UITM as well. After that, me and my mom went back home.

No much to do when at home. After eating lunch, I take a nap. Then I woke up around 7 to take my bath, later I ate my dinner and last, I end up here back to my PC, posting this. Anyway, here a footage I taken yesterday when my neighborhood was blackout.

quote of the day:

"Anime is life. A well worked animated drama."

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