March 26, 2007


Well, here is Mr.Editor and Khalidi's pics. Mr.Editor is the guy on top, wearing the Animax cap. While Khalidi is at the pic below.

More about them:

The editor of The Love is complicated. He is cool, sweet, and also easy to get pissed by somebody if they underestimate him. A good son and strong willing. Lots and lots of creating new stuffs here are all his idea, like imeem and Did You Know? column.

Paranoid, psychopath and crazier! He can be your worst nightmare but your best friend ever! He's so loyal to anyone who consider him as a friend, and even to a strangers, who soon be his friend. Great in playing soccer, v'games, and other extreme stuff he wish to do. His ideas, adopted little k, breking news!!! and chatting column.

Mr.Editor: Hi yo!
Khalidi : Hajimashite!
Mr. Editor: Yo! This is Malaysia man! Not Japan!
Khalidi : Nandeska?
Mr.Editor: Stupid moron!
Khalidi : Bagasaru!
Mr.Editor: Oh. That's it! Die you!
Khalidi : Kuresei! Missile Launcher! Ike!


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