March 18, 2007

Love is complicated (Part one) Prologue

Love is complicated (Part One)


It was the final day of Kushiro Junior High School before the semester break. The students and teachers are busy cleaning up their classes, hallways and the entire school's compound. There were enjoying cleaning up the class as well their teachers. This harmony atmosphere can tied up the bonding between students and teachers. While they cleaning up, a girl walks out from his class to the school's roof. There, a girl wait for her.

Yuri Saitama, a cheerful and energetic 14 years old girl was meeting with her best friend, Suzika Kusanagi, 17 years old. Yuri and Suzika have been best friend for 10 years and they both live in Kushiro City with their parent. Suzika, in her final year in this school, asked Yuri to come to her house during the holiday. Yuri wouldn't ever turn down her offer. They have chat on the roof until the school ends. They both walked to their home. On their way, Yuri tells Suzika that she will miss her when Suzika starts her high school in Tokyo.

Yuri asked,"So what your plan there Suzika?"
Suzika have no idea, but she tell her that she wanted to study hard there and someday become a fine accountant in Tokyo. "By the way Yuri, how's your brother been doing lately? I would like to invites him to my house together with you. Could you tell him for me Yuri?"
"Fine, no problem. I'll tell him as I he reached home."

Yuri's brother, Taichi Saitama, 18, is still studying in high school and the school's football player. There, he was popular among girls because of his cool approach and looks and also smart. He was among the school excellent students. His classmates always ask him for help in studies or any kind of problems, and the teachers always looking for him to represent school for competitions. While everybody always looks for him, Taichi felt uncomfortable and wanted freedom from everyone. He often hang around alone on the school roof to find some fresh air and freed him self from peoples for a while. Taichi have good records of attendance never skip classes nor school hour. On his way back, he saw Yuri and Suzika on the other side of road. "Oh not them! I better hide."

Taichi always been humiliate by his crazy-like-attitude sister in public. The last time when Taichi and Yuri were together in public, Taichi had to carry her around on his back and get mocked lively. This embarrassment would become worst if his colleague saw him like that. So he decide to run away from Yuri and return home as quickly as he can. After minutes running, he manage to return home. Before he could enter the house, Yuri jumped on his back suddenly. "Ha ha! Got you! You can't escape from me brother! Now you have to take me to my room!, ha ha!"
"Crazy little girl..." Taichi mumbles.
"Oh Taichi, Suzika want me to tell you something."
"Uh? What is it? A date?"
"No silly! She invites us to her house during holiday and sleepover."
"More like a date for me. Well, we have to tell mom and dad though."
"Of course they will let us go to her house ,brother. Suzika's parents and ours parents are friends for a long time. I doubt they'll forbid us."
"I guess you right. Anyway, could you let me go now. We have arrived."
"No! Put me on my bed."
(sigh) "As you wish my majesty"

Suzika arrived home late. She was at a book store in the evening, and bought a book. "Orange Are Not the Only Fruit? That's odd, a girl like you wanted to read such a book. What have you been doing little girl?"
"Nothing special old man. Just wanna know better about my self."
Suzika left the store and walks back to home while reading the new bought book.

Back to the Saitame's residence, the Saitame family are having dinner. They had curry rice and other seafood meals. While eating, Yuri tell her parents about Suzika's invitation.
"I'll let both of you go but remember, don't do anything foolish okay? I want our family relationship with the Kusanagi's remains as friends. Don't cause any trouble there okay?"
"Okay dad. Thanks a lot! We'll promise not to..."
"Yuri, don't speak when your mouth full. It's rude!" said Taichi.
"Yes brother."
"While both of you here, your dad and I will go on a vacation to Hawaii. So Taichi, took a good look for your sister okay?"
"No fair mom! You get to go to Hawaii. While me and Taichi stuck here." Yuri react.
"Well, it's your decision to stay at Suzika's house isn't it?"
Yuri wasn't speak again afterward. Taichi acknowledge mother orders to took care of this house and Yuri while their parents off to Hawaii.

Meanwhile, in Kusanagi residence, Suzika enters her father's office to meet her father. Her father's room filled with portraits of Victorian historic including the Queen's pictures. Also the cabinets there are furnished with books and journals from the Victorian's age. This is because Suzika's ancestors were from England and his great grandparents was one of the Victorian royalist situated in Japan long a go. Until today, the family still live in Aristocrat's life style. Suzika however, not so proud of it and prefer the lifestyle of traditional Japanese instead. Often she argues with her father about this but Suzika had to live in this life anyway. Suzika approach her father and Mr.Kusanagi noticed her presence.
"What do you want now, Susie?"
"Oh father, please don't said "Susie" to me. I'm Suzika. My name is Suzika."
"That's what your mother given name. But I calling you Susie."
"Whatever dad. But I just want to ask you something."
"What is it?" he puts his book in to a drawer and starts listening to his daughter.
Suzika sits down on a sofa and asked,"Could I confess my love towards anybody?"
"Well honey, love is like a piece of glass you see. It can go either way. You're too young to ask me about love."
"I don't care! Please teach me! I want to know love!" Suzika was desperate for his dad's opinion on 'love'
"Seems your insist, I could tell you this. You may confess your love towards anybody you like but don't put your commitment in love just yet. Just look at your self Suzika, you're just a little girl from everybody views and they would make a fool out of you by using love as a topic. You're still young to learn about love. You have to concentrate on your studies first, not love."
"I know ,father. But..." Just before Suzika finished her words, her father told her;
"I will sent you back to England next month and you'll be staying there with your Aunt Mary. You start your high school in Manchester, and applies for Manchester Metropolitan University and work your way in business there."
Shocked, Suzika just can't excepts her father words. "But father, why? I don't want to go there!"
"Look here honey, I am totally concern about you. This is your future and its will guarantees your future onwards. Please think for your future okay? Even if you stayed here, what can you do? Never mind about your friends, they'll understand."
"Oh father!" Suzika ran out from her father room in tears and disbelief. She'd yell"You've always don't understands me father!".
Mr.Kusanagi heard Suzika's feelings. He turn his attention to a portrait on wall right behind him . It was a huge portrait of a beautiful women dressed in Kimono.
"Well Chizuru, she's always reacts like you. And we're so lucky to have a daughter like her isn't it?"

In Suzika's room, Suzika just can't stop crying on her bed. In her hands, there's a picture of her, Yuri and Taichi. She's holding the picture closely with her and later she cries and cries until she fall asleep. Mr.Kusanagi just walk by her room, noticed the door wasn't closed properly. He enters her room and saw Suzika was sleeping. Mr.Kusanagi then wrap her with a blanket on the bed. Later, he kiss her and leave her. "Sweets dream Suzika." Then Mr.Kusanagi switch off the light and seemed sleeping Suzika replies him with a gentle smiles.

End of prologue.

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